Dear DMFC : Thank you for the back issues of your Fan Center magazines that you sent me. Enjoyed reading your articles, especially about the folks who knew and worked with Dean. Love to all.
(Larry Siblyne - Illinois)
Dear DMFC : I had grown up in Dean Martin's hometown of Steubenville, Ohio (I'm still in Ohio) and remember when your organization started the first celebration weekend the year after Dean's passing. I have attended almost every one since then and I'm 80 years old now. Thank you for bringing light to Mr. Martin and my hometown so many years ago.
(Angie Barrona - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I have been a lifelong fan of Dean Martin's but recently I have been seeing and hearing more of a singer named Michael Buble.
I am a bit annoyed because to my ears, Buble sounds like a total Dean Martin impersonator with his phrasing and mannerisms.
Don't get me wrong - it is great that someone is keep vocal pop music alive, but to me, it's like watching a good Elvis Presley impersonator.
This is just my opinion.
(Terry Parks - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I have been a huge Dino fan and have all of his albums on vinyl and all of his movies on DVD. Hearing and watching him makes me happy.
(Daisy Apperson - Germany)
Dear DMFC : I just got back from a trip to Las Vegas and didn't know that there is a street named "Dean Martin Drive" after Dean himself. Someone mentioned that it is the longest of the streets named after celebrities. That's cool!
(Carol Myers - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Thank you so much again for producing those four Bear Family box sets of all of Dean's recordings. I play them all the time and constantly look at the books that came with them.
(L. Madrea - New York)
Dear DMFC : My kids have started watching the Martin & Lewis movies and can't get enough! They love them.
(Kim Harpen - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I had been a member of your organization and loved the magazines you put out! I really looked forward to getting them and really miss not getting them anymore.
I have heard that your organizations president was thinking about writing a book on Dean's life. Who else would know better about his private and public life than him? Please let us know if it's going to happen. I'll be the first to get it!
(Drew Lambert - Washington)
Dear DMFC : It's Labor Day and the anniversary of the reunion of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on the Jerry Lewis MD Telethon that was televised every year. What memories!
(Lainie Burrows - Texas)
Dear DMFC : It is amazing to me how many young people are into Dean Martin today. Even though his TV shows aren't aired anymore and his records aren't being played much on the radio, he still manages to find fans all over!
Tim Loroby - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I'm so glad you have this Website. Thanks from all us Dino fans!
Catherine Bremley - U.K.)
Dear DMFC : Happy Birthday Dean!
(Carol Fanta - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I have been a Dean Martin fan since my Grandfather had given my Dad his first Dean Martin record 70 years ago and my own Dad had handed the tradition to me almost 30 years ago. My wife and I have just had a son born in January and I am waiting to be able to hand down that same record to him in a few years.
(Kevin Garrett - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I really miss your publication but I understand that the Internet has taken over.
Unfortunately "some" fans are now claiming that they are the authority sources, going by hearsay... what they assume... or what they create as "fact" without never even having ever met Dean Martin or knowing any of his family, associates or friends... Just because you have read the Nick Tosches book doesn't mean you know the truth and the real Dean.
... I don't want to take away from most of Dean Martin fans out there. You are what keeps Dean's body of work and his image alive to live on forever and I am grateful that you do! Dean Martin was the greatest!
(Stephen Eshom - California)
Dear DMFC : I am 72 years old and have been a big Dino fan all my life. I am so thrilled that he is still remembered today. That's the result of being the best!
(Sam Willis - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin knocked the Beatles off from their continued dominance on the Billboard charts when he recorded "Everybody Loves Somebody" and it went to number one!
(L. Silverman - Canada)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin did it all! ... And he was the best!!
(Lynn Testrite - Rhode Island)
Dear DMFC : My wife and I recently saw a Rat Pack tribute show. The fellow who played Dean was named Joe Scallisi and he was great! We've both seen other singers as Dean Martin, but Mr. Scalissi was by far the best!
He not only has the similar looks, but he has the little hidden mannerisms that Dean possessed which no other person doing Dean has. Others seem to over exaggerate the way Dean holds a wine glass or says Pally every chance they can get. But Mr. Scalissi has all the subtle qualities of Dean.
If you get the chance, don't miss this guy or his Rat Pack show.
(Larry and Beth Caprissi - Colorado)
Dear DMFC: I belong to a couple of Dean Martin Facebook groups on Facebook and it's amazing how many people make assumptions about what facts they know about Mr. Martin.
(Brad Gearman - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I just came back from Las Vegas where I found a Dean Martin slot machine I never saw before. It was cool hearing him sing when you'd win something!
(Matt Charles - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : All these years later and Dean Martin is still remembered by millions! What an impression he made on the world that lives today!
(Heather Phillips - Melboure, Australia)
Dear DMFC : I grew up wanting to be one of Dean's Golddiggers. What an inspiration for many of us. I even took dance class in school and sang with the glee club just so I could be like one of them. They were so good on Dean's show that they even got their own show to host.
(Deborah Brinkson - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I just purchased one of the Bear Family Box sets of Dean Martin's recordings. It is fantastic! I found out that there are three other sets to complete Dean's entire recording career. I got you address from the large hard cover book that came inside filled with so much information about the songs and all the wonderful pictures.
I want to thank Neil Daniels (your Dean Martin Fan Center President) and Richard Weize (of the Bear Family) for producing this for all of us to have and cherish forever! Now I am going to look for the other three massive box sets!
(Ron Perry - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : To help answer Regina Miller's question on the bulletin board : Dean didn't record "You're My World" but a similar title "Welcome to My World" might be what you saw.
(Paul Robbins - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Around every holiday I always play a lot of Dean Martin. It brings out the happiness in me and all that hear him!
(Judy Carver - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : I've heard the Tom Jones version and the Cilla Black version of "You're My World" but this
song sounds like it was made for Dean Martin's voice. Do you know if
such a recording exists and, if so, where I can find it?
(Regina Miller - USA)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for all you have done for Dean Martin over the many years. Before the Internet, your magazines and Website kept us all informed about everything "Dean".
(Liz Becham - Canada)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin Forever!
(Carol Ann Weasly - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC: My very first record was The Dean Martin Christmas album. My parents gave it to me three weeks before Christmas and I played it every waking hour. I must have drove my parents crazy, but on Christmas Day when opening my presents, my parents gave me the Dean Martin "Houston" album learning that I loved his music so much!
(Victoria Hullit - Australia)
Dear DMFC : The Dean Martin TV show was by far the most entertainimg show ever. It's sad that the younger generation hasn't had the opportunity to have experienced the fun and feeling of love that the show exuberated. We all went to bed with happy thoughts and great dreams on Thursday nights and woke up with a smile on our faces.
(Ken Kramer - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I have the Roku app and there are lots of different programs to choose from that run old TV episodes 24 hours a day like "Happy Days", "Baywatch", "The Love Boat", "Mork & Mindy" and more. How come they can't have a "Dean Martin Show" channel to be able to watch Dean's old shows 24 hours a day like the others?
(Lana Johanson - Vermont)
Dear DMFC : In answwer to the question posed by Eric Richardson: My wife (who recently passed away) was good friends with Jeanne Martin herself. From what I gather, I don't know myself what happened to the little ring that Dean had always worn, but knowing what I do know, I seriously doubt that if Mort Viner "bought" the ring, that he would even have given it to Dean's son Ricci.
(R. Burrows - California)
Dear DMFC: I just purchased a CD box set of Dean's songs off of Ebay. I have been a life-long fan and was happy to see that all of his recording were made available many years ago on four different sets.
It came with a large book and lots of information. I just wanted to thank you for producing these sets on the Bear Family label - I'm going to be on the lookout for the other three.
(Jonathan Hauler - United Kingdom)
Dear DMFC : I have never been able to find any photograph of the pinkie ring that
Frank had created to mark his great friendship with Dean. There must
have been a detailed photo created for Sotheby’s, when Ricci Martin put
it up for auction, and I
believe it was bought by Mort Viner.
(Eric Richardson)
Dear DMFC : I just read on Facebook about your organizations connection with the yearly celebration in Dean's hometown of Steubenville, Ohio. I was lucky to have attended the first year and I remember meeting Neil Daniels and seeing him presented with the key to the city.
I have family in Pennsylvania so over the years I had been able to visit the celebration weekend every few years, but it was the first one that really stands out in my memory.
(Madeline Carbone - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I wish those Dean Martin days were back. It was a much simpler time when we appreciated the joyous voice and humorous wit of joking with guests on his TV show and hearing his songs on the radio. The world is so divided and angry today. Let's all vote for a holiday in his honor so others will know.
(Michael Reese - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for help keeping the Dean Martin name alive with all you do!
(Sharon Taylor - Florida)
Dear DMFC : I got your Website address from the huge CD box set I recently purchased made by The Bear Family. What a wonderful set! 8 CD's and a huge 12 X 12 color hard cover book included. Your Website is wonderful.
(Chris Lazer - Illinois)
Dear DMFC : I just thought I'd post a tidbit fact in case any Dean Martin fans don't know about it : There is a street named "Dean Martin Blvd" in Las Vegas. There's really nothing to see on the street but it's a nice tribute to Dean to have a street named after him.
(Loren Mays - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : I am happy to report that Dean's hometown of Steubenville ,Ohio will be back hosting the Dean Martin festival and parade this year on June 16th and 17th.
Joe Scallisi will also be back with a show dedicated to Dean and his "Rat Pack" friends. You gotta see it!
I attended many of these events back in the mid to late 90's when your Dean Martin Fan Center's president (Neil Daniels) had helped start the event and was awarded the key to the city. That's where I saw Joe Scallisi for the first time and was in total awe! You gotta catch his show! He will bring back those wonderful memories of Dean you won't forget!!
(David Mathis - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : I wanted to thank you for the many years of putting out the Dean Martin Fan magazines! I still have all of them and look at them often!
(Cathy Connors - New York)
Dear DMFC : I wish we could all turn back the hands of time to a time when everyone wasn't so mad at everything and talents like Dean Martin made us forget our daily troubles and makes us smile and always have a song in our hearts! Return to Me Dean!
(John Mendoza - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : Why doesn't one of the big movie studios think about going back into their vaults and re-release one or two of the old Martin and Lewis movies to theaters? The movies are already shot, paid for and completed. What would it take to just do that? Maybe they would be surprised and make a small profit.
(D. Stater - U.K.)
Dear DMFC : I'm Cole Joplin, and I used to live and work in Las Vegas. In 1988, I was working for Hospitality Network, which was the vendor for in-room TV for the Bally's hotel. The hotel services on the room TV were buying pay-per-view movies, checking phone messages, checking out of the hotel, and cash advance. You'd enter your card on the TV and go to the cashier to get your money. That was weird, but it worked.
I was working on the main computer that runs the video system, and our technicians were all out making service calls in the hotel. The phone rings, and it's the front desk manager, asking if someone can go upstairs and give Dean Martin's suite free movies, which the hotel would pay for. The system was originally designed to give people a 10 minute preview, then a confirmation that they want to buy the movie. Annoying, and not something they wanted Dean Martin to deal with.
Since I was the only one available, I grabbed my toolbag and headed up to the top floor. When I got out of the elevator, I heard a strange whacking sound. There were two security guys at the small corner leading to the hallway on the east side. I showed my badge, "You're the TV guy, right?" "Yep." One of the guards leans around the corner and says, "He's here."
First thing I notice when I turn the corner is.....plastic golf balls littering the whole hallway! There must have been a hundred of them. There's Dean Martin at the end with an iron in hand, waving me down. So, I stepped over all these golf balls towards the end of the hallway. I didn't expect him to be there, and I didn't expect him to be alone. Maybe it was just timing. He shakes my hand and asks if he can watch. I said, "Sure." He said, "Do you mind if I call you super tech?" I said, "Sure." I used the security sleeve tool on the set top box, and set it up. Then I showed him where the movies where.
He genuinely wanted to know it all worked. As a programmer, I could answer any question he had. I knew everything about the software and the whole system, details the technicians didn't know. I explained who I was, and what I did. He smiled at me and said, "Are you telling me I got lucky?" I laughed and responded, "I think I'm the lucky one, but yes your timing was perfect." I was really struck by how nice he was. He was in very good spirits, plenty of energy, very alert. He was a normal person, with a big sense of humor. I can't say enough nice things about him.
Finally, I asked him, "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He agreed. "What's with the golf balls?" He laughed and said, "That's for the security guys. They see celebrities all the time. They have stories to tell. One of those stories will be that I was trying to hit them with golf balls. Long after I'm gone, they will tell friends and family that story. And you will too!" We both laughed, and I said, "You're right, I will. It was a pleasure to meet you." He thanked me, and I headed back down the hallway, stepping over the golf balls again. The second I turned the corner to the elevator, I heard another ball ricochet off the walls. He might have done that for my benefit, maybe not, but that was funny.
He was right, I've told the story many times. Of all the celebrities I encountered or saw in Las Vegas, this was my favorite experience. He truly was a great guy.
(Cole Joplin)
Dear DMFC: I am a lifelong resident of Steubenville, Ohio where Dean was born. I was present at the very first Celebration event they town threw in his honor in 1996 and I remember meeting your Fan Center's president Neil Daniels who helped introduce the event along with Mayor Mucci (who presented Mr. Daniels with the key to the city of Steubenville).
I remember Mr. Daniels always attending and introducing Dean's daughter Deana in about the fifth or sixth year.
We aren't having the celebration event anymore (maybe due to Covid) but I just wanted to thank Mr. Daniels for helping start the festival for all of us fans.
(J. Perini - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know how Dean Martin learned to ride horses? He did all those western movies and seemed to love the genre.
(Julie Monrose - Idaho)
Dear DMFC: I know that I'm an older guy but I am totally dismayed at all the Dean Martin groups on Facebook and all the comments people make. As the years go by the Dean stories and comments get further and further away from the truth and the "REAL" Dean!
(Joseph Barlow - California)
Dear DMFC: I am twenty-two years old and have just recently discovered Dean Martin by hearing a song of his played on the radio. I started a search and found more songs that has made me fall in love with his voice. Now I am learning all I can about him and your Website has a lot of great information.
I have also seen some segments from his TV show and now I am wanting to see some of his movies. I guess I will start with the earlier ones first that he made with Jerry Lewis.
(Victoria Lynn Jones - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Long live Dean Martin!
(Saoirse McGowan - Galway, Ireland)
Dear DMFC : I really miss the old days of watching the Dean Martin Show with The Golddiggers. Those were such wonderful times. Now 'Woke' television sucks. I can't stand to watch TV anymore. The new generation has no idea what true talent and entertainment really is! I am just so grateful I got to live through all those wonderful years.
(Michelle Quintana - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : The Dean Martin - King of Cool show was great! I found your Website from the interview segments with Mr. Daniels from your organization.
I hope that this show can be made available for other that don't have Turner Classic channel because it is something that everyone would enjoy.
Some of the interviews were with folks that are no longer with us and it was good that they were able to capture their comments about Mr. Martin before they passed. This goes to show that Dean Martin is still with us and remembered so fondly even today!
(Judy Armango - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : The Tom Donahue documentary on Dean Martin was very good. I learned a lot I didn't know about him before.
(Sam Scott - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for having this great Website for Dean!
(Cathy Avalon - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : I have been a fan of Dean Martin's for decades. I noticed that the latest TV documentary had interviews with many people that didn't actually know Mr. Martin and reflected many of the so called "facts" from The Nick Tosches book published many years ago. I found the book to be okay, but not one hundred percent accurate in the facts that get repeated today as if they were right. Too bad there were not more interviews from people who actually knew Dean or had worked with him, like the few seconds that included Lee Hale who was his TV show's producer and musical director. Why Alec Baldwin? Maybe getting people to interview is hard today.
(Jason Reynolds - New York)
Dear DMFC: I remember a documentary on the Biography Channel many years ago. It was posted on YouTube for the past couple of years but has now been taken down since the new "King of Cool" documentary has been made.
I like the new King of Cool but I really enjoyed the Biography one just as well. It had a lot of information that the new one doesn't. Will the Biography one ever be made available to view again?
(Bob Minesfield - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I just found your site and see that you had published Dean Martin magazines but they are no longer available. I hope you will start publishing them again for all us devoted Dino fans out here!
(Trisha Cambella - Sidney, Australia)
Dear DMFC : I watched the documentary of Dean Martin on TMC and it was wonderful. I grew up being a huge fan and the documentary brought back so many wonderful memories!
(Lydia Cameron - Washington)
Dear DMFC: I am so sorry that you had to stop publication of your wonderful Dean Martin magazine! I had been a member/subscriber for over 22 years and I was always anxiously awaiting each issue.
I understand that times have changed recently, and that it must be hard producing a magazine when people don't subscribe to magazines anymore and with the Internet taking over.
Your explaination of how many issues were returning in the mail marked "deceased" as the older generation passes on and the younger crowd gets much of their information from Websites (even though a lot of the information people post is not accurate!).
It would be great if your DMFC president would write a book in the near future. I know he has so much insight knowing many of Dean's friends and family, and had been around Dean, so closely himself, for many years during his TV years.
Thanks again or the many years of keeping Dean's fans happy and aware of all that was happening!
(Gary M. Dodge - California)
Dear DMFC : I just found your Website and wanted to post that I am twenty years old and am a huge Dean Martin fan! My parents had talked about Mr. Martin and played his cd's while I was growing up. At the time I didn't pay too much attention to anything, but over the last few years I have grown to discover more about Dean Martin on my own, and I am so happy to say that I am a huge fan myself!
(Rick Spiwak - Washington)
Dear DMFC : You last magazine celebrating the Golddiggers 50th anniversary was such a pleasure to read. It's hard to believe that it has been that long since they were first introduced on Dean's show. I still remember their faces from so many years ago.
(Ed Kanzaci - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for such a wonderful issue on singer/golfer Don Cherry. He was a wonderful singer with such a calm demeanor. I remember him on Dean's TV show.
(Helen Brams - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Heard the news that Burt Reynolds died. I remember him from the Cannonball Run movies with Dean Martin. He was a great actor.
(Jeff Tavers - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I saw Dean Martin perform in Las Vegas at the MGM. It's a night I'll never forget. I was there with my Mom and Dad, and we had really good seats up front. In the middle of the act, Mr. Martin stopped what he was doing and asked my Mom where she was from in front of everybody. Then he continued asking her if the show was okay and if there was a song she wanted him to sing.
When we returned home, my Mom could not stop talking about it. She called up everyone she knew and went on and on about the night Dean Martin stopped his show to talk to her!
(Leslie Dennison - Connecticut)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin rules!
(Kevin Kessler - Canada)
Dear DMFC : I am just starting my first year at college (UCLA) and moved into my dorm that I'm sharing with two other guys last week.
I could hear Dean Martin playing down the hall as I was arriving to move my stuff in. I opened the door to find my one room mate had already moved his stuff in and decorated his wall with three movie posters... all of them Dean Martin movies! (One is Martin and Lewis).
This guy is a HUGE Dean Martin fan and everything he has is "Dean Martin". Even his backpack has an image on Dean Martin on it!
He says that listening to Dean's music and watching his movies and TV Shows makes him happy and makes it easier to study.
I've been here now for a few days and I think Dean has found a new fan - "ME!".
My room mate (James) introduced me to your Website and I just had to post this. I think this is going to be a fun year!
(Paul Harper - California)
Dear DMFC : I'm a retired USAF General. Watching some old shows and wanted to let
you know that he still makes me smile. Wherever he is, those around him
are still benefiting from his amazing talent.
(Allan Ness)
Dear DMFC. I'd like to answer to two questions of the DM Bulletin Board :
To Charles Aguirre,
about the most prized DM item. That seems a funny question, because
everyone has a different taste. Up to me - I'm 56 years old now - it is
unexpectedly his & Jerry's radio shows of the late 1940s. Up to now -
I bought the first ones in the late 1970s as LP with a huge CBS-mike on
the cover, framed by both into a bright jelly green background. Later -
apart from movies on VHS, records, comic strips (early 1950s) and CDS
- I have been lucky to get other early shows of them on CD.
I don't
know why - until now I still don't like Jerry very much -, but I think
those radio aimed shows are the best what entertaining means: real time
dialogs, publicity (cigarettes, aspirine, US-bonds), sketching, music of
Dean (and sometimes duets with Jerry), co-stars who were great stars
then (Arlene Dahl, William Bendix, George Raft etc.)
Up to me, my
favorite one Is still the one of December 23, 1949, where Jerry "hires" a
naïve female neighbor of their boardinghouse for copying their radio
This sketch is unforgettable and funny, because the silly person
has no idea about shows, texting or copying! So Jerry explained her, was
it meant by copying by using a typewriter. As a listener, you can feel
and see the scene with the typewriter!
Back then, they used carbon copy
between the paper pages, so you could have - if you were a typewriter
pro - 4 or more copies of at once. The copying machines were
unaffordable and very complicated then (30 years ago, I worked in an
office where such an vintage one was still used).
The success of this
radio shows followed to the TV "Colgate Comedy Hour" of the 1950s; the
same matrix, but - for me! - a little bit boring. Later the 16 movies
came along.
To Carly M. Parsons,
about the texting "Back home in Steubenville". I do not know it
exactly, even though I can limit the circle about.
In my
DM-CD-collection there are almost all recorded shows of the RAT PACK of
the 1960s. When I play them by the "random mode", I must always smile,
when Dean intonates the song like this: "Back home in Steubenville, it's
carefully and gay and I wanna make it without any pay".
So I guess it
must be on one of the following CDs, albums: "Villa Venice I or II",
"Frank & Dean's Party by the Bay", "A swinging night of the Sabre
Room" or the "Rat Pack at the Sands". It's unfortunately impossible to
check it on the songlist, because the "Boys" ad-libed back then,
especially in Las Vegas.
Hope, this have cleared something. Regards
(Dry Lukacovic - Switzerland
Dear DMFC : I'd love to hear from other Dean Martin memorabilia collectors, what their most prized Dean Martin item is.
(Charles Aguirre - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Dear DMFC
Have just been watching SKY TV and the advert for the new Football Season in the UK,
has our wonderful Dean singing Go Go Go, it is wonderful that they are using his
song, and shows he is still popular.
(Elaine Stone - London, U.K)
Dear DMFC : I once saw and said hello to Dean Martin in person while visiting a clothing store in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was with another man and seemed to be having a fun time inspecting both men's and women's coats. I assumed he was buying a present for someone but he was having so much fun looking at the items and looking at the price tags. To see Mr. Martin in a store and not on television or the stage was a shock to me at the time, but I have always remembered that moment since that day.
(Miriam Seikos - California)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for this Website on Dean Martin. It's funny how fast the world is changing and how the younger folks don't have a clue as to who the great singers and entertainers of the past were.
(Lawrence Brown - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I love your article regarding the Golddiggers reunion and can't believe it's their
50th Anniversary, Dean's girls were a wonderful part of his show and it sure does
bring back many memories of Dean and how much he enjoyed doing the show and
appearing in Vegas with them.
Keep on doing what you do to keep his memory alive for very many years to come. I
try and watch one his shows or Roasts every evening and it takes me back to when I
got married in 1967 and to times when a good Variety Show was well worth watching
and his was the best, and what an amazing star he was, who could do it all and make
a lot of viewers very happy.
(Elaine Stone, - London, U.K)
Dear DMFC : I saw on your news page that Dean Martin's Golddiggers are celebrating their 50th Anniversary. I was in the military service in 1969 and have vivid memories of the day that Bob Hope came overseas to entertain all of us. He brought The Golddiggers with him and what a show they put on. It not only brought a little "piece of home" to all of us over there , but also lifted our spirits with all the stress and fighting that we were experiencing.
I will never forget how much of an impact that day made on us, and I still remember the names of each of The Golddiggers who were their giving us hope and courage for what we were facing at the time.
If any of the Golddiggers are reading this, I thank you will all my heart for what you did! Happy Anniversary!
(Lt. James Peterson - Wyoming)
Dear DMFC : I have been a regular visitor to you site for many many years now. Dean Martin was the best - always was and always will be.
(Janice Lepski - New York)
Dear DMFC : I believe this is the 50th Anniversary of Dean Martin's group of girls called The Golddiggers. Where has the time gone?
(Paul Ritter - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : Your last issue with a closeup look at the movie Some Came Running was superb! In my opinion that movie was Dean Martin's best performance. I learned so much about it from reading what you published. Thank for keeping Dino alive!
(Gary Lazarous - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : Happy Birthday Dean, can't believe our darling Dean would have been 101 today. He
will always be in the hearts of all his many millions of fans around the World. That
gorgeous smile will always make me happy and enjoy watching all his movies and
listening to his hundreds of wonderful songs.
I have received and enjoyed reading the latest magazine . Some came running is one
of my favourite films, that part was certainly made for Dean.
(Elaine Stone - London, U.K.)
Dear DMFC : The only days I have marked on my calendar are New Years, Christmas, 4th of July, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and Dean Martin's Birthday.
(H. Spiwak - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : It's June 7th - and it's Dean Martin's Birthday. Everyone Celebrate!
(Rawl Gonzales - Mexico)
Dear DMFC : I can't believe that Dean would have been 101 this June 7th! I always have this image of him and his wonderful smile singing a song and having fun. I'll bet that's what he's doing in heaven right now.
(Kathy Burmingham - California)
Dear DMFC : Happy Birthday Dean. We will never forget!
(Casey Walters - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : My parents just celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary and all they wanted played at their celebration were Dean Martin songs. That shows you the magnitude of this man and how people like my parents loved him.
(Carol Sautterman - Idaho)
Dear DMFC : I see that Dean's hometown of Steubenville, Ohio no longer has their annual Dean Martin Celebration. Too bad. I think the people who are in charge of Dean Martin's legacy has let the ball drop over the years.
(Adam Rand - New York)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if there are any unreleased Dean Martin songs in the vaults?
(Harv Gelson - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for letting us know about Don Cherry's passing. I knew he was a good friend of Dean Martin's.
(Lew Sterling - United Kingdom)
Dear DMFC : I just purchased a couple of Dean Martin CD's and found your fan organization listed. I will be joining your club right away. How come I never knew about you guys?
(Stephen Wilcox - Texas)
Dear DMFC : A great site for the greatest singer of all time.
(Pat Lymon - New York)
Dear DMFC : Being an avid golfer myself, I followed Don Cherry's career in the sport, watching him compete in the great golfing tournaments of the time.
I remember hearing "Band of Gold" on the radio for the first time when the disc jockey said that it was Don Cherry singing.
"What?!? - Naw, it couldn't be the same Don Cherry (the golfer?).
YEP ! It Was! I was flabbergasted!
I remember going to the record store and buying his record album with "Band of Gold" on it and discovered that Don Cherry could really sing! What a surprise that a person could be a big-time golfer and a big-time singer!
After Don got a little older, he started dropping out of golf but his singing career started moving ahead full steam. I watched him on shows like "Hee Haw" and of course, "The Dean Martin Show." Don was even one of the hosts of Dean's summer show (with Gail Martin) on year!
Later he teamed up with Willie Nelson and put out a couple of CD's which I proudly have in my collection along with all of his other record albums, CD's and his book "Cherry's Jubilee".
It's sad to hear of his passing. He sure brightened my life and will be missed.
(Roger Craftsman - Georgia)
Dear DMFC : So sad to read just now that Don Cherry has died, another friend of Dean's life
gone. I have got the book and what a wonderful read it is . I recommend everyone to
get it and read it, and Neil's contribution is fab.
As I have said many times before this Fan Club is fantastic and hope it carries on
for many years to come. Also I would love to see more issues of his show to be
released, perhaps someone can let us all know when?
(Elaine Stone - London, U.K.)
Dear DMFC : It's another sad day to learn that Don Cherry has passed away. I tried looking for information on the Internet, and you are the only source that has told everyone. Thank you for doing that. I know that Dean and Don were best of friends and now they will be together in heaven.
(Carrie Wheeler - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : I just read on your Website that Don Cherry has died. Next to Dean Martin, Don Cherry was my favorite singer of all time.
(Nick Layton - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Why don't they put the old episodes of the Dean Martin Show on Netflix?
(John Cisar - Oklahoma)
Dear DMFC : I just joined your fan center for Dean. Your magazine is awesome! Thanks.
(Katherine Brengel - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : Has anybody heard any news on the continuation of Dean’s show being
released on DVD. The Time Life series of DVD’s are now out of print and
no longer advertised on their website? Love the magazine and all the
effort you guys put into keeping Dean’s memory alive. Would love to see a
magazine based around his appearance at the Apollo Victoria Theatre in
London in 1983. Any rare photos or info would be awesome!
(Craig Bellamy - AUSTRALIA)
Dear DMFC : When I was a kid I saw every Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis made. They were the greatest. I even remember having a set of Dean and Jerry comic books that I would take to school and be the envy of all my friends. They were the greatest.
When they broke up, I followed each of them. I loved the Jerry Lewis comedies, especially The Bellboy, The Disorderly Orderly and Rock a Bye Baby. But not to be outdone, as I was a few years older then, I saw every movie that Dean did too. Westerns were what every kid was "into" then, and Dean made quite a number of them, along with the ones he made with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.
I really got a kick out of the Matt Helm spy movies during the glorious James Bond years. Dean seemed to be on top of every wave that came along.
The biggest and best was in the mid 60's when Dean started his own TV show. Gosh, I could not wait until Thursday nights to hear him sing and laugh at his antics. Watching The Golddiggers around Dean always made me smile and (I have to admit) dream of being Dean surrounded by all of them.
I was so sad to see what they were saying about him as his career slowed down. They would always say and make up nasty things to print just to sell magazines. It was awful.
Don't laugh, but I still have my Dean Martin record collection and I still have a turntable that I play them on all the time. Listening to his music always takes me back to the time when eveything was so much easier and fun. I don't understand the negative stuff they call music today. I'll admit, there are some good singers, but overall everything is so negative.
Thank you for having such an interesting Website to read and reminisce. Dean was one of a kind and it's so great that he had recorded so many songs for us to hear today and so many movies that we can still watch and enjoy.
(Robert Greenfield - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I was so dissappointed that they didn't do anything special for Dean Martin's 100th birthday last year. It kinda sounds like whoever has the estate's authority is strying to hide Dean's name and memory for some reason. That's only my 'take' on it.
(Armand Leichman - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : There should be a postage stamp commemorating the life of Dean Martin like they did for Elvis Presley.
(Alan Wiles - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : In answer to the person who asked if Dean Martin and Tony Martin were related --- the answer is NO. Just both Pop singers who happen to have the same last name (Dean's was really 'Crocetti')
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know of sites to see in Las Vegas concerning Dean Martin or The Rat Pack?
(Yasmine Bella - New York)
Dear DMFC : Have received and read latest issue dedicated to Jerry Lewis and what a wonderful
tribute it is to our Wonderful Dean's former partner. You really have done a
fabulous job and long may you continue to keep Dean's memory alive.
(Elaine Stone -
Dear DMFC : Wow, I love the new club issue featuring Jerry Lewis. You guys are so great. I've never seen another fan club have such a publication dedicated to their honoree as you do for Dean.
(Elizabeth Carson - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : The was playing a game with some friends called "Song Quiz" using my Google 'Alexa' app. One of the songs I had to identify was "Everybody Loves Somebody" by Dean Martin. I won the game because of that question!
(Gary Markham - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if Dean Martin was related to any other singers of the time like Perry Como or Tony Martin?
(Jen Simons - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : You outdid yourselves on your latest issue spotlighting Jerry Lewis!
(Justine Campbell - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Just received the latest issue that contained a look at Jerry Lewis and his life and career. Thank you for having such a large section with articles and pictures of the Martin and Lewis comedy team. Your issues keep getting better and better all the time!
(Gerald Kincade - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : After reading the new Fan Center magazine, I couldn't help but go out and buy all of the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies to binge-watch. Thank you for keeping the flame alive for all of us.
(Josie Cornish - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin is my favorite entertainer ever! I grew up as a kid watching his TV show with my parents. They also bought many of Dean's record albums, which I STILL have in my possession today. Whenever I hear a Dean Martin song being played it always brings back such warm thoughts and memories of my parents and growing up.
(Ken Beckman - California)
Dear DMFC : Why is it that Dean Martin's 100th Birthday came and went without fanfare?
(Michael Perrione - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I know that this idea has come up before but I thought I'd bring it up again in case the right person is reading this post: Why don't they take one of the Martin and Lewis movies and re-issue it into theaters (for a week?). They could even center the movie around a theme, like re-releasing "Scared Stiff" around Halloween or "The Caddy" around golf season.
The movie is already made and paid for... all that would be required is to re-master the print digitally and secure any rights (like songs?) to put into theaters.
Just to be able to see one of their old movie on the big screen would be fun!I would think it would be "retro" and attract enough people into the theater to make it worth while.
I hope the right person is reading my post and can do something with this idea. PLEASE!
(David March - New York)
Dear DMFC : I wish they would put Dean Martin on a US postage stamp like they have done for so many others!
(Mark Hargrove - Iowa)
Dear DMFC : To all Dean Martin fans out there: Keep playing Dean Martin songs all year round, not just at Christmas! It will make your life much more happier all twelve months! Happy New Year everyone!
(Carol Shuman - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : I cannot believe it is 22 years today since our beloved Dean left us. I will be
spending most of today watching all his Christmas shows and listening to his
wonderful songs. He certainly did leave a wonderful legacy of songs for his fans old
and new to listen to forever.
You really do a fabulous job of keeping his memory alive and hope you continue to do
it for many more years to come.
(Elaine Stone - London, England)
Dear DMFC : Dean left us on Christmas morning exactly twenty years ago this December 25th. I'll never forget the day I heard the news.
I known that this sounds stupid but every year I add a special ornament to the Christmas tree in honor of Mr. Martin and all the happiness he brought to me as a child growing up and as an adult with my own children. I know that he is being watched over in heaven.
(Thomas Howland - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for having this Website for many many years. There are other Websites and places to read about Dean Martin, but yours has been the best (and the longest - for decades!!!) there is! Keep up the good work. from a loyal fan,
(Jen Zyrtem - AUSTRALIA)
Dear DMFC : It's close to the anniversary of Dean's death. Let us all be thankful for the present he left behind - his legacy.
(Caden Mullmack - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : Time to start playing Dean's Christmas CD's!
(Maryann Simpson - Idaho)
Dear DMFC : I am a huge fan of Micheal Buble's music. I think he has a way of phrasing that is so distinct - UNTIL NOW! I just discovered Dean Martin (hey, I'm 20 years old - give me a break!) and now I have come to learn that Michael Buble is a second generation singer who has taken everything he has learned from Mister Martin!!!!
I have just begun learning all I can about Dean Martin and his music, and have also discovered his talents also lie in many other areas (TV, Movies, Comedy, etc.). One of the first places I had found was your Website which has led me to search out Dean Martin's music and other talents.
I must join your fan center and start receiving your magazines. There also has to be a way to somehow let others my age know about Dean Martin. It must seem funny to you, but remember - since Dean Martin died 20 years ago, and I'm only 20 years old, it would be hard for people my age to have any exposure to what talent Mr. Martin had.
Thank you so much!
(Jeffrey Barstow - New York)
Dear DMFC : I've got two words that describe all the crap going on in the world and news today about appropriate behaviour: It's a "MARSHMALLOW WORLD".
(Kalen Barkow - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : My father once worked at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas as a ticket and reservation agent for their Grand Showroom. Every now and then I was lucky to be able to tag along side of him at his job without anyone complaining.
I remember one evening Dean Martin walked in shortly before his show and had four other people with him. He walked up to my father and asked if he go get them into the show that evening.
I remember standing there in awe. I was probably about 13 or 14 at the time and to see the star of the show (and it being DEAN MARTIN) ask my father if he could do him a favor just blew me away. My father was always a very special person to me, but to see someone like Dean talking with my Dad made him that more special and me more proud. Those were such good days. The town was a little past those "Elvis Presley" years, and Dean Martin was the reigning king then. It was easy to get around and everyone was so friendly and giving.
Today, Las Vegas is so different. Not as friendly - crowded - bright but in a not-so-glamorous way and people are more selfish. I fall asleep nights dreaming of how it use to be when Dino performed here. I miss those years. I miss my Dad - and I miss Dean Martin.
(Michael Biscota - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : Just wanted to let everyone know that I thought your latest issue was very good.
Sad to read about all the wonderful people we have lost recently but it was a very
informative and touching issue. Thanks.
(Tom Bergin
- California)
Dear DMFC : Your Website and fan center for Dean is very special. In this day and age it's nice to reflect upon a better time when there wasn't so much violence and separation. Television shows, like Dean Martin's, was a great place to spend an hour to unwind and relax to. Unlike today's television which is filled with graphic violence and political messages just to stir more nerves and anger. Everyone is on edge today and it seems like the only and to relieve the pressure is drugs and drinking or carrying a sign and physically hurting others.
If more people would just listen to Dean's music or watch his movies or DVD's of his old television show, I KNOW that this world would begin to calm down and people would start becoming happy today!
(Chris Murphy - California)
Dear DMFC : I really enjoyed your recent issue. As always, the Dean Martin Fan Club magazine brightened my day. I am really looking forward to your next issue in homage to Jerry Lewis.
Keep up the great job you do with every issue. I love Dean Martin and your wonderful magazine is always a joy to read. Thank you.
A huge fan..
(Eddie Deezen)
Dear DMFC : Wow, I love your latest issue. It was the
best for a long time, I mean for my point of view. An issue, I couldn 'd stop to
read and suddenly, the final page appeared.
The bio stories about Jerry,
Glen Campell and Flo Henderson I enjoyed very much, even though most of the part
I knew. By the way: as a babyboomer, I knew Flo Henderson only from the "Brady
Bunch", but it was interesting to learn, that she was more than "mother Carol":
a dancer, a singer, a comedian and very a special person.
I'm happy to renewing
my 23d (!) membership. By the way: 2 years later we'll our 25th anniversary.
What kind of specialities have the DMFC - especially Neil - in mind
Just on my birthday (20th August) I couldn't believe the
announcement in the news about Jerry Lewis' passing - a similar date to
remember like Dinos Christmas Eve, the 25th of December. And the same did a few
weeks earlier Glen Campell's, my country hero since "Galveston". So sad it is,
that's the way of life and all of them had had a plentiful long life.
For a German based movie website, called "MoviePilot", I
wrote a blog about Dean on his 100th birthday, and it was surprisingly estimated
by many other members (likes & followers). Wow! Then, after Jerrys death I
wrote another blog, in my very personal and objective style, but…very few
acclaimed to it. I wonder why.
My blog of Dean was a mix of admiration,
objection and very personal feelings sharing with the other website visitors and
members. And the blog about Jerry wasn't really different, but, maybe, between
the lines my unintended irriation came through. What I couldn't understand is,
why my blog of Dean was so much more popular than this one of Jerry? I thought
that the most part of the M(ovie)P(ilot) members were a generation or two
younger than mine, and that Jerrys name was more common for them than Deans.
Maybe, those lines were more thrilling, because I mentioned the Rat Pack,
Humphrey Bogart ("Bogey") etc. in it - so legends never die. "The King of Cool"
versus "the King of Comedy".
Who will be remembered more in the 21st
(Dry Lukacovic - SWITZERLAND)
Dear DMFC : I have read in previous posts to your bulletin board about people dressing as Dean Martin for Halloween. It really got me to thinking this year, and I have jumped the bandwagon too. I am going out dressed in a tuxedo with a fake cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other. When I ring the doorbell, I'm going to start crooning; "When the Moon Hits Your Eye, Like a big Pizza Pie, That's Dracula."
Then I am going to smile and I'll show my large fangs, say "Trick-or-treat" and ask if they can fill my glass up with a Bloody Mary. Hopefully I'll make a lot of folks laugh and I'll have a good time.
(Curt Dombrowski - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Hi from wet and windy Great Britain.
There's a 1975 Japanese LP listed in this sale, the back cover of which features photo's of Dean sitting in what seems to be a bar setting, surrounded by ladies. They are great. CLICK HERE FOR PHOTO
I've not seen these pictures before, and would love to know where they were shot, and of course would like to see better copies of them.
I have heard that they are from a Japanese commercial that Dean once appeared in. Have you any info?
Hope all is well at the DMFC. Best regards.
(Graham Daniels - GREAT BRITAIN)
Dear DMFC : Have just received the new issue of the magazine and what a fabulous read it is, you
really have gone into detail about all the entertainers we have lost this year, and
what a big part our beloved Dean was in their lives, it is a treasure to have all
this information, and so detailed and wonderful pictures. Carry on doing what you do
for many more years to come.
Elaine Stone (ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : In answer to Jesse's question about how many films did Martin and Lewis make: The answer is 16 in a ten year period. Amazing.
(Harold Cyrus - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : The new issue featuring so many great entertainers that have passed away this year was a great tribute not only to them, but to Dean Martin for being a part of each of their lives! It was a great issue like always!
(Kevin Wheeler - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Wow, I love your latest issue.
It was the best for a long time, I mean for my point of view. An issue, I
could not stop reading and suddenly, the final page appeared.
bio stories about Jerry, Glen Campbell and Flo Henderson I enjoyed very
much, even though most of the part I knew. By the way: as a babyboomer, I
knew Flo Henderson only from the "Brady Bunch", but it was interesting
to learn, that she was more than "mother Carol": a dancer, a singer, a
comedian and very a special person.
I'm happy to renewing my 23d (!)
membership. By the way: 2 years later we'll have our 25th anniversary. What
kind of specialities have the DMFC - especially Neil - in mind for?
on my birthday (20th August) I couldn't believe the announcement in the
news about Jerry Lewis' passing - a similar date to remember like
Dino's Christmas Eve, the 25th of December. And the same did a few weeks
earlier Glen Campbell's, my country hero since "Galveston". So sad it is,
that's the way of life and all of them had had a plentiful long life.
a German based movie website, called "MoviePilot", I wrote a blog about
Dean on his 100th birthday, and it was surprisingly estimated by many
other members (likes & followers). Wow!
Then, after Jerry's death I
wrote another blog, in my very personal and objective style, but…very
few acclaimed to it. I wonder why. My blog of Dean was a mix of
admiration, objection and very personal feelings sharing with the other
website visitors and members. And the blog about Jerry wasn't really
different, but, maybe, between the lines my unintended irriation came
through. What I couldn't understand is, why my blog of Dean was so much
more popular than this one of Jerry? I thought that the most part of the
M(ovie)P(ilot) members were a generation or two younger than mine, and
that Jerry's name was more common for them than Dean's. Maybe, those lines
were more thrilling, because I mentioned the Rat Pack, Humphrey Bogart
("Bogey") etc. in it - so legends never die. "The King of Cool" versus
"the King of Comedy". Who will be remembered more in the 21st Century?
Kind Regards
(Dry Likacovic - SWITZERLAND)
Dear DMFC : I found you Website on an old Dean Martin CD. It looks like you guys have been around for a very long time. Your site is very interesting!
(Cathy Arbor - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know how many movies Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis made together? I am 18 years old and have become a big fan after seeing Artists and Models.
(Jesse Orofo - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : I just adopted two dogs from a rescue shelter. They are both males from the same litter and are Golden Retrievers. The names are "Dean" and "Martin". They were given to them by their original owner who gave them up. What make this even funnier is that my brother has a German Shepherd named "Frank". Now when we get our dogs together, we'll have out own "Rat Pack"!
(Gary Jackson - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : Hi from Great Britain! Does anyone know what has happened to the proposed Dean Martin hologram????
(Graham Daniels - Great Britain)
Dear DMFC : I am saddened to have learned that Dean Martin's 100th birthday passed by in June and there was nothing said or done about it. Not even a birthday celebration TV special.
(Naomi Hartford - Georgia)
Dear DMFC : So sad to hear of the death of Jerry Lewis. He is the last big tie to our beloved
Dean and together they were such magic, and gave so much pleasure in their 10 years
together and have left a legacy of wonderful tv shows and films for all to watch
(Elaine Stone - London, ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : No matter if you liked Jerry Lewis movies or not, he was a great humanitarian. Mr. Lewis raised over 2.5 billion dollars for MD research. Anyone else give that much of themselves?
(David Reznor - Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)
Dear DMFC : As a member of the Dean Martin Fan Center, I am so saddened to hear of the passing of Jerry Lewis. He was the biggest living connection we have had to our hero Dean. Rest in Peace Jerry.
(Michelle Foster - New York)
Dear DMFC : I have heard and read so many things about Jerry Lewis' personality. A lot of people said that he was rude and nasty. I think most people don't have a clue as to the business of show-business. For Jerry to succeed in a business that is as cut-throat as show-business is, you have to have a hard shell and keep pushing even when other people tell you that you can't. Jerry was a fighter and a winner!
(Mr. Welby - Paris, FRANCE)
Dear DMFC : When I was a teenager I had a summer job at The Copacabana where Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis got their start. It was back in the mid 1940's and I was hired as an usher on the early shift. I'll never forget the lines of people who stretched around the block to see the two.
Being an usher for them was difficulty because of all the people pushing their way into places where they were not allowed. Sometimes it was even scary, but it was all because Martin and Lewis were the biggest act in the world at the time. Their fame came very fast and they always seemed to be in a frenzy, but I'll never forget the night they had to be escorted out the side door into a waiting car to take them away after the show. I was the usher assigned to lead them through the door and to the other usher waiting at the door to the car. We hurried through the hall way and past the stage crew. As I opened the door and led them out, both Dean and Jerry said "Thank you Tom for helping us!".
I was almost in a state of shock. I didn't even know that they knew my name or even remembered it. I felt such a connection from that point on, and always went out of my way to help them whenever they would return to the Copa for other shows. They always remembered my name and made sure to ask for me when they were there.
I am sorry to hear about Jerry's death. It makes me stop and think about my own age, but I am very happy. I have had such a wonderful life and I was there at The Copa to witness first hand, what the history books only talk about when it comes to Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.
(Thomas Gray - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I met Jerry Lewis in a store in California way back in the late 1970's. when I walked up to him to say hello, he turned, looked at me, then looked at the cashier... pointed back at me and said "LLLAAADDDYYYY..." in that voice he had in all those Martin and Lewis movies. I laughed so hard that I could barely ask him for his autograph. I handed him a marking pen from my purse and began to fumble for paper when he said he'd sigh the from of my purse for me.
I STILL have that purse packed away to this day to remind me of the time I ran in Jerry Lewis in the store and how he made me laugh.
(Marie Sheppard - California)
Dear DMFC : I just read on your Website that Jerry Lewis has died. That makes me very sad. I have been a fan of Dean Martin's my entire life, and no matter what people say about the breakup of the Martin and Lewis comedy team, it was both of them together who gave them their launching pads to greater success.
(Robyn Shaley - New York)
Dear DMFC : Many people don't know that both Jerry Lewis AND Dean Martin started the MD telethons together. After the breakup Jerry stayed with the organization while Dean hosted many other charitable events such as the SHARE Organizations fund raisers. They were both good human beings.
(John Keller - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : A note to Jerry Lewis: Say "Hello" to Dean from all of us who miss him!
(Issac Karisnky - New York)
Dear DMFC : Hearing the news of Jerry Lewis passing away leaves me to preach to others, forgive all your misfortunes and anger with others while you and they are still alive. That was what Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis did when they in 1976 on the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon when they appeared together and hugged each other. It was a moment that many of us will remember always.
(Gina Hawthorne - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : I remember the first movie I ever saw was "The Disorderly Orderly" with Jerry Lewis. I was about seven years old at the time and laughed and laughed for days after seeing it. I would continue to always watch the movie listings in the newspaper for the next Jerry Lewis movie. It was about the time I turned 12 that I learned about movies made before the first one I saw, and the partnership of Jerry Lewis with Dean Martin. They had shown "The Caddy" on TV and I was even more mesmerized by Jerry when he was with a partner.
Thank you Jerry Lewis (and Dean Martin) for making my life growing up so much fun and full of laughter.
(Howard K. Michaels - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I am so sorry to learn about the passing of Jerry Lewis. He was one of the greatest and will be missed as is Dean!
(Carol Yasmine - Hawaii)
Dear DMFC : There is a street in Las Vegas named after Dean Martin and a star in the sidewalk, but sadly there isn't much else in honor of Dean and all he contributed to making Las Vegas what it is today.
(Susie Peterson - Oregon)
Dear DMFC: I'm sure glad that someone has this Website and Post Board for the greatest entertainer of all. It's funny how whoever is in change of the body of work Dean has left behind has not done enough to keep his name and image out there for all to remember!
(David Webber - New York)
Dear DMFC : How come there was no TV special celebrating Dean Martin's 100th birthday? There was one for Sinatra!
(Julie Rowlands - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if there are any Dean Martin places of interest to visit in Las Vegas?
(James Farmer - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Dean was the greatest!
(Carla Mendez - California)
Dear DMFC : I visited the place where Dean is buried in Westwood on June 7th, and many people had already been there and placed flowers and messages on and around his marker. Many people still remember and love him!
(Shelley Thomas - California)
Dear DMFC : I just read Cathy's post about Dean's hometown celebration. I too attended a couple times many years ago. At the time there was a few impersonators taking turns on stage. One fellow was very good. I remember his first name was Joe, but I don't remember his last. There was another gentleman who would come out holding a huge over sized martini glass wearing glasses and exaggerate everything about Dean as if he were a cartoon. It wasn't flattering, and I remember wishing that the people who threw the event would have maybe looked at his act first before putting him on. I also remember a third fellow who was nice but really didn't look or sound like Dean, but sang some of Dean's songs as best he could.
I'm sorry to hear that this may be their last celebration. I guess everything runs it course until something new and better comes along.
(Stephen Piscopo - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I have been a Dean Martin Fan Center member for many many years. Thank you for all you do. Your last timeline issue on Dean's life was fabulous!
(Rick Ditka - New York)
Dear DMFC : I think one of the stations should have played Dean Martin movies all day long to celebrate his birthday.
(Lorna McGraff - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Isn't that Dean Martin singing "The Birds and The Bees" in the new VW ad on TV?
(Toni Terranova - California)
Dear DMFC : When in Las Vegas over the second week in June, I saw an ad for a concert starring Deana Martin at the Southpoint Hotel in celebration of her father. How come this wasn't scheduled on June 7th (Dean Martin's birthday) but over two weeks later?
(Tom Kantor - California)
Dear DMFC : I haven't seen much celebrating Dean Martin's 100th birthday as they did for Frank Sinatra. Does anyone know the reason? I actually think Dean had much more talent than most of the others who are remembered!
(Doc Ferguson - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : My name is Cathy and I live in a suburb of Pittsburgh, not too far from Dean Martin's hometown of Steubenville in Ohio. Living so close, I was fortunate enough to have been able to attend the very first celebration that Dean's hometown in 1996, following the year of Dean's passing. I remember it being a great day. There was a Dean Martin impersonator (I don't recall his name) who didn't quite look like Dean, but sounded exactly like him.
This was where I first learned about the Dean Martin Fan Center after seeing Neil Daniels presented with the key to the city and hearing him speak so fondly of Dean.
I attended the yearly celebration again about ten years ago and noticed that the celebration was lagging in the same spirit as it did when it first started.
Dean Martin daughter, who was now attending, seemed to be the focal point of keeping the perspective on Dean, but more emphasis just appeared to capitalize on other individuals and establishments.
This year I was more curious, especially being the 100th celebration of Dean Martin's birth, so I decided to go to Steubenville again.
The people who live in and around Steubenville are the nicest people in the world! They are extremely warm and friendly. Many were saying that this was going to be the last yearly event honoring Dean. Too bad the original excitement and entertainment had been fading.
I have been, and always will be, a Dean Martin fan. I am glad that I got to visit the town where he was born and meet such wonderful people.
(Cathy Barnhart - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : Is Jerry Lewis still living?
(Jay Moranda - SPAIN)
Dear DMFC : I could not make it to Steubenville, Ohio for Dean Martin's birthday party. I hope it was good.
(Leslie Wallman - New Jersey)
(Nick Carry - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin was and IS the best singer and personality there ever was. Today marks his 100 birthday and his memory is still with all of us today. I know we will still be thinking about him for another hundred, like the song he sang, "A Hundred Years From Today."
(Julie Yarnell - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : Your new fan center magazine issue is fantastic. I have been a member for over 18 years now, and you have out-done yourself with this edition spotlighting Dean's entire life in a timeline. I am so proud that I am a member of your fan center.
(Greg Lamile - FRANCE)
Dear DMFC : Today (June 7) marks Dean Martin's 100th birthday. I will be playing Dean's music all day long in honor of the greatest entertainer of all time!
(Taylor Phillips - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : Happy 100th Birthday to the greatest entertainer that ever lived. Always will be
greatly remembered and dearly loved.
(Elaine Stone - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : Like many other Dean Martin fans, I want to wish Dean Martin a Happy Birthday even though he's not here in person but he's here is spirit. Here's to you Dean.
(J. D. Darizzo - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Dean would have been 100 on June 7th 2017. Today is a day of celebration!
(Jim Hamperton - New York)
Dear DMFC : Happy 100th Dino!
(Leslie Ryan - Washington)
Dear DMFC : Just a few more days until Dean Martin's 100th Birthday!
(Ryan Hawthorne - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Have just received your latest magazine and congratulations on the most wonderful
tribute to the best entertainer that ever lived, the detailed timeline is fabulous.
He brought so much pleasure to all his millions of fans worldwide. Carry on with
what you do, you are doing a wonderful job of keeping his memory alive in the hearts
of all his fans worldwide.
As I have mentioned before, I was lucky enough to see him perform live in London in
1983 and will treasure that memory for the rest of my life.
Elaine Stone - London, England
Dear DMFC : Your newest magazine celebrating Dean Martin's 100th birthday is fabulous!!!!! The story by Joe Scalissi about the evening with Gail Martin and Craig Martin accepting awards on their Dad's behalf was a joy to read. The show sounds like it was Dean himself on stage. I wish I could have attended, but your magazine allows me and others to experience it almost like we were there.
Also, the news on Lee Hale was great. I'm glad to see that he won an award from the PDS organization. Mr. Hale was so good at what he did on Dean's TV show.
(Kevin G. Arness - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I just received your latest Fan Center issue and what a job you did! What a fabulous timeline of Dean's career! Reading about the birthday celebration that his two children (Craig and Gail) were at was very heartwarming. Thank you for all you do!
(James McAlister - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I have been a life long Dino fan. There was no one else like him and there never will be. I am so glad that I was able to be here when Dean was and I am working hard to teach my kids and their grandkids what a real entertainer was like. Dean was King in my book!
(Lindsay Durling - Minnesota)
Dear DMFC : I attended the Dean Martin celebration in Palm Desert and was thrilled to be entertained by Joe Scalissi. He is so much like Dean that it is errie.
(Sharon Dempsey - California)
Dear DMFC : I was in a store yesterday looking for a few decorations for Easter when I came upon a funny item. It was a dozen eggs in a carton and each egg looked like famous celebrities from the past, including five that were members of "The Rat Pack." The Dean egg was the best! His face was the spitting image and had a little tiny bow-tie attached at the neck. I wish I would have taken a picture of it!
(Felicia Maurier - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Question for devoted fans: What is the name of the song Mr Dean Martin recorded that included the lyrics "back
home in Steubenville..."
(Cathy M Parsons)
Dear DMFC : Concerning the post from "Rocko", I think you are looking for an article written by Chicago writer Bill Zehme who wrote articles for Esquire, Rolling Stone Magazine and Playboy Magazine. I believe Zehme had contracted liver cancer but is in remission. He is a great Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin fan.
(Doug Colpix - New York)
Dear DMFC : I love the new TV commercial for VW featuring Dean's song "The Birds and The Bees"!
(Nikki Bevet - California)
Dear DMFC :
I'm trying to find a tremendous article about Dean that was in an issue of Playboy,
I think in the last 10 years. Certainly the last 18 years. The writer talked about
how Dean harkened back to a time when "true adults walked the earth" and related a
story of how a lady friend of the author tried on a pair of pants that had been
Any bells ringing? I found it online a couple years ago after seeing it in print in
the first time around, and unwisely didn't note where I found it.
Any help is appreciated.
Dear DMFC : It's great to know that there are still a lot of Dean Martin fans out there!
(Paul Downing - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I caught a portion of an interview with your fan center's president (Mr. Daniels) on the radio this morning. He had such interesting (and funny) stories to tell about the years he spent with Dean at NBC. I think he should consider writing a book because he had an insight that many people didn't have and his memories are wonderful!
(Gail DeLuca - Washington)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin and Tony Martin were both of my parents favorite singers growing up in an Italian household. My parents always said that they were brothers and for years I have always believed that until just last week when I found out that both Dean Martin and Tony Martin were never related! I had to write and post that face in case other "Italians" were under that same assumption like I have been my whole life!
(Anthony J. Barasca - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC: I love your Website. I am joining your fan center and can't wait to get the goodies!
(Lisa Eshom - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : If anyone hears of anything happening for Dean's upcoming 100th birthday, would you please report it. Thanks!
(Joanie Beckett - Arizona)
Dear DMFC : I have been a big Dean Martin fan my entire life. What I don't understand is the people who have control of his name, recordings, movies and TV shows. Why in heaven's name haven't they kept Dean Martin's career in the spotlight? C'mon... you can't tell me that he's been gone for so long and no one remembers. The reason no one remembers is because of bad marketing! Most young people today have heard of Elvis Presley and John Wayne!
Dean Martin did so much in his lifetime that he should still be out there in everyone's view. I wish the people who have the control would realize this.
(M. Wilcox - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : In answer to Nick Spencer's question: We haven't heard much from Jerry Lewis in recent time except a really awkward interview where he gave one line answers and acted like a mad child. Very weird to watch.
(Gary Hawkins - California)
Dear DMFC : Hi,
Just wanted to applaud you on the 2 tribute issues to Ricci & Jeanne. Great details
& wonderful photos…as usual!
I’m sure you’ve got a dandy lined up for Dean’s 100th birthday this June!
(Ann Hockey
- BC, Canada)
Dear DMFC: In your last magazine, the article written by Mike Downey (Dean and Jeanne's son-in-law) was a wonderful tribute to Jeanne. Thank you for all you do in keeping Dean's memory alive!
(Adam Bough - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : My parents were huge Dean Martin fans while I was growing up. I remember my Mom having a few of Dean's record albums that she would always play while cleaning the house. My Dad loved Dean's TV show and would remind everyone when he got home from work on Thursdays that Dean's show was on that night.
As a kid I developed my own favorite music of the time ( I especially loved The Beatles for a while and then it changed to a variety of everything from hard rock to soul and even country (Glen Campbell, etc...)
As I turned into the age my father was, I developed a great appreciation for the songs that my Mom loved and the personality my Dad loved. When I had my own three kids, I exposed them to Dean Martin as much as possible and now they are having their own kids.
Guess who they are exposing their kids too?
Yep - Dean Martin!
From generation to generation, Dean Martin and his legacy continues to grow.
Thank you for all you do!
(David Foreman - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I recently read the book that Jerry Lewis wrote about his partnership with Dean Martin and found it very fascinating - I wanted to read more.
Has anyone heard if Mr. Lewis has more to say about his former partner after he wrote his book?
(Nick Spencer - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Happy New Year to all at DMFC and all Dean's fans worldwide, and hopefully what a
wonderful year 2017 will be as his 100th Birthday comes up on June 7th, hopefully
lots of celebrations have been organised, especially love to see a tribute in Las
Vegas. (Elaine Stone, London, U.K)
Dear DMFC: Just like the Rat Pack, a toast to everyone in the new year. To good health, friendship and happiness.
(Jake McAlister - New York)
Dear DMFC : Happy New Year to all Dino fans!
(Patricia Lennon - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : This is going to be the best year - Dean's 100th Birthday comes in June! That's Amore!
(Pat Gremmie - California)
Dear DMFC : Merry Christmas to all Dean fans everywhere. Have a Marshmallow World!
(Jen Meetry - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : On this Christmas Day I am thinking about Dean Martin aka Dino. As a kid growing up, my parents always played Dean's Christmas albums around the house.
On the Thursday before Christmas we would all gather around the TV and watch The Dean Martin Show. A couple of memories stand out: Singing Christmas songs with The Golddiggers and who could ever forget the time Frank Sinatra and his family joined Dean and his family for a spectacular Christmas episode!
Around the holidays, I always have the radio on tuned to the on playing 24 hour Christmas songs. Whenever a Dean Martin song comes on, I jump and turn it up. If I'm around anyone and Dean comes on, I announce in a loud voice, "Listen! Dean Martin!" like I'm the disc jockey who wants to inform everyhone around that I know it's Dean before they do.
I remember hearing the news when Dean passed away on Christmas Day and evey year since I think of him a lot and always say a prayer and give thanks that he was a piece of my life and made Christmas Special as he still does to this day.
(Greg Walker - New York)
Dear DMFC : I love the Christmas season! They seems to be playing a lot of Dean Martin's Christmas songs on the radio this year! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
(Anita Gemesta - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Hey everyone! I just ran across your website looking for some info
about a Dean recording. Maybe you can help me out. I'm curious about the
recording of "Peace on Earth/Silent Night" that appears on the Rat Pack
Christmas album... any idea when that was recorded or where it came
from? Did it ever come out on vinyl or was the Rat Pack CD the first
time it was released? The only two albums of original Christmas material
by Dean that I'm aware of are Winter Romance on Capital and The Dean
Martin Christmas Album on Reprise, but I guess there were some other
recordings out there somewhere? Just curious where it's origins lie...
(Jacob Johnson)
Dear DMFC : I have been listening to Christmas music on the radio for the past week and I can't help but smile and remember what an great entertainer Dean Martin was when they start playing his Christmas songs. I especially love "Baby, It's Cold Outside" and "Marshmallow World"!
(Michael Wells - North Dakota)
Dear DMFC : Just learned that Florence Henderson has died reading your Website. She was just on "Dancing With The Stars" a few weeks ago supporting Maureen McCormack (who played her daughter in The Brady Bunch).
Florence was a great part of The Dean Martin Show. I'll always remember her appearances singing with Dean. It seems all the good and talented people are now leaving us.
(Cara Phillips - Maine)
Dear DMFC : What a wonderful tribute to Ricci in your latest magazine, he died far too young. It
really is the best magazine and I enjoy receiving it each time it comes out. Dean
really was a wonderful guy and I was so lucky to have seen him in his London show
and will remember it forever, he gave so much joy to everyone.
(Elaine Stone - London, UK)
Dear DMFC : I just heard that Florence Henderson died! I cannot believe it! My best memory of Ms. Henderson was when she was on the Dean Martin Show. Dean and her were singing a duet, when she moved real fast and Dean missed catching her, and both landed on the floor laughing - but they continued to sing! She was the best!
(Connie Ruban - New Hampshire)
Dear DMFC : A friend of mine just gave me a subscription to your Fan Center for Dean Martin. Today I received my first magazine issue and WOW!!!! I am totally blown away with this! This is one of the best gifts I have ever received! I am looking forward to future issues!!
(John Barrows - Texas)
Dear DMFC : On this upcoming Thanksgiving Day, I want to give thanks that Dean Martin was pert of my childhood upbringing. I listened to his beautiful voice and always watched his TV show every Thursday night. He not only entertained me, but gave me happiness as a kid growing up. I am thankful for Dean Martin!
(Paul Kensing - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : After reading a lot of your old posts on the Bulletin Board, it gave me the idea to go as Dean Martin for Halloween this year. With my tux and cocktail glass, I was the hit of my company's party last night. Three of the ladies who work there gathered around me and acted as my "Golddiggers". We had a blast! Thank you for having this site.
(James Condran - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for the loving tribute you gave in your last issue to Ricci Martin. He left us so young.
(Linda Fairbanks - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin was and will always be the King of Cool, Dean Martin was not
fake, this is what made him so Cool and his acting, all natural. I
still remember as a kid watching his show, The Dean Martin Show, and
then the Dean Martin Comedy
Roast, 1974 – 1985? My Father had the honor to meet Dean and other
celebrities in the early 1970’s the great Vegas years, my Dad was
introduced to Elvis and Wayne Newton, it was a fun time watching Dean
Martin, Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack, great times.
I recently purchased the, “ Live and Swingin” The Ultimate RAT PACK
collection, the C.D’s are great, Sammy Davis Jr. he was alwsome, God
Bless Dean Martins family and we all need to be thankful we had the
opportunity to watch Dean Martin movies, his comedy
series, Dean Martin was the best
(John Henry Jr.)
Dear DMFC : I just saw a young singer on "The Voice" who sounds like a combination of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. I sure hope that style of music returns.
(Margo Routar - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if there will be anything happening to honor Dean Martin's 100th Birthday?
(Jess Dockson - Texas)
Dean DMFC : I just read about the passings of Jeanne and Ricci Martin! I'm sure that they are both in heaven with Dean. Thank you for this Website.
(Doug R. Santorum - Texas)
Dear DMFC : It was 30 years ago today that Dean Martin surprised Jerry Lewis on the M.D. telethon after not talking for many years. It was a historic occasion for the both of them.
(Sarah Brinkley - Washington)
Dear DMFC : So sad to hear of the death of Jeanne, just 3 weeks after the death of Ricci.
Condolences to all the family . She was a lovely Lady, and always mentioned on
Dean's shows with great pride. Rest in peace darling.
(Elaine Stone - London U.K. )
Dear DMFC : My deepest sympathy to the Martin Family. Speaking for all the fans, we are so saddened to hear about the passing of both Ricci and Jeanne.
(Thomas Sharley - Utah)
Dear DMFC : What!? Did I just read that Jeanne Martin has died? I thought her son Ricci Martin just passed away a couple of weeks ago? I can't believe what I am reading.
(Lena Crosley - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : My deepest sympathy to the family of Ricci Martin. He seemed like such a nice son and brother to all his family.
(Ann Reynolds - California)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin's family has gone through enough. Daughter Claudia passed on due to cancer. Then son Dean Paul was killed in a jet place accident, and now youngest son Ricci James has passed away. Losing three children is such a terrible tragedy. I wish the best for their Mom Jeanne and for the other brothers and sisters. Also say a prayer for Ricci's family... his ex-wife and three daughters. May Ricci's memory last forever and may he rest in peace with his father.
(Paul Orione - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Rest in Peace Ricci Martin.
(Viv Helter - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : No! Not Ricci! I was lucky to have seen Ricci perform on four separate occasions, and each time I was amazed that he never let the fact that he was Dean Martin's son stand in front of his rapport with others. Ricci was truly a wonderful person, and I am so saddened to hear the news of his death. Rest in peace Ricci... we will all miss you!
(Deborah Holzier - Florida)
Dear DMFC : As a fan of The Beach Boys growing up, Ricci had always been a part of that group AND a part of Dean Martin's legacy. His life was too short. He will be missed by all!
(Ken Phillip Stone - New York)
Dear DMFC : Condolences to The Martin family. I pray his daughters remember how much he loves them and talked about them.
(Diane Exelby - UNITED KINGDOM)
Dear DMFC : Rest in Peace Ricci.
(Howard Cannon - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Ricci was taken too soon. I hope he and his father are together now, looking down and keeping us all safe. RIP Ricci.
(Catherine Muller - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : I recently heard that Ricci Martin had a bad fall, and now I read that he has passed away. May God Bless you and the loved ones you have left behind.
(Liz Steinacher - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : I have just looked at current news and cannot believe what I have just seen that
Ricci has died. Condolences to all the family, and rest in peace .
(Elaine Stone - London , U.K)
Dear DMFC : My heart goes out to the Martin family. They have had so many family members passing over the years.
(Richard Farmington - New York)
Dear DMFC : I just read on your site that Ricci Martin has died! Oh my gosh! I had seen Ricci in concert a few years ago and he was so wonderful. He had a lot of his father in his personality. I can't believe it!
((Lisa Cultry - Illinois)
Dear DMFC : I had an idea many many years ago that Paramount Pictures should try an experiment. They should re-release two Martin and Lewis movies into big theatres again.
Maybe they could clean them up and make the audio a little better, but it might be something that people would go to. It would sure introduce Dean and Jerry to a whole new generation and a whole new world.
The cost would be minimal, since the films have already been made. All they would need to do is distribute them to the theatres so people could watch them on the big screen. Even if it were for just a one-week run.
I would think it would generate some profit, maybe not huge, but still a profit!
(David Epson - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : I have been a member of your fan club for a number of years now, and I have to tell you that your new magazine about the shows Dean has guest starred on is the best yet! Keep up the good work!
(Julie Alliance - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : Isn't it strange how little is spoken or written about Dean Martin today? It makes me believe that the people who control his name want to hide Dean's memory away. Is there a reason?
(John Grimley - New York)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if Dean Martin had any brothers or sisters?
(Paula Armstrong - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : This is the best Website for Dean Martin!
(Kay Rafferty - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Answer to Julie Lawrence: No,
Dean wasn’t the President of the board! So far I know there was no
President, only the Chairman of the board: Frank Sinatra. But I agree to
Julie that Dean seemed to keep the gang resp. the “boys” together. He
was like the vice-chairmen, the second lieutenant. The name “Rat Pack”
was originally given by Lauren Bacall, Bogeys (Humphrey Bogarts) last
wife during their frequent Hollywood parties. They called themselves
“the Holmby Hills
gang”, who was joined not only by several movie stars of the golden
years, but also by Frank Sinatra as the couple’s young aficionado. The
story is, that after one night’s carousel, Bacall, as the only sober
one, exclaimed, that they – the drunken ones – would look like Rats, the
early Rat Pack was born. Sinatra formed years later his own one and
called them in reminiscence to Bogey “Rat Pack”. Hope this information
(Dry Lukacovic - SWITZERLAND)
Dear DMFC : Dear DMFC
Remembering our darling Dean with lots of love and affection on his 99th Birthday,
and will be watching his films and variety shows all day today.
(Elaine Stone - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : I can't believe it would have been Dean Martin's 99th birthday. Here's a toast to the greatest singer that ever lived.
(Michael D. Hamilton - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Happy Birthday to Dean Martin. We miss you!
(Gina Depur - CANADA)
(Joe Unirail - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I have always been a fan of The Rat Pack. I read recently that it was Frank Sinatra who started the clan and was the president of the group, but for some reason I always thought it was Dean Martin who was the president and the glue that held the group together.
(Julie Lawrence - Connecticut)
Dear DMFC : Just a short amount of days until Dean's 99th Birthday!
(Keenan Phillips - Hawaii)
Dear DMFC : I heard a disc jockey once say that Dean Martin and Perry Como were brother. They are NOT. Neither is Dean Martin and Tony Martin. I don't get why these people assume either Italians or old pop singers that sing the same type of songs are related!
(Angie Iadoni - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : After all these years being a huge Dean Martin fan, I recently found out about and joined your fan center for Dean. Yesterday I received my membership card and first magazine issue and want to thank you. I wish I has known about your center years ago. I can't believe that I never knew. Again, thank you. I can't wait for my next issue to arrive.
(Jodi Schilling - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : I was a frequent visitor to Las Vegas back in the 1970's. The two people that everyone who visited HAD to see were Elvis Presley and Dean Martin! That was to many of us, the greatest time in Las Vegas show history.
(Dr. Timothy Ford - California)
Dear DMFC : To answer Alex Sutton's question - Dean Martin and Tony Martin are not brothers. Don't forget, Dean's last name was really "Crocetti"
(Sue Kindred - United Kingdom)
Dear DMFC : I recently saw the Rat Pack show in Las Vegas and loved it. The fellow who does Dean Martin is amazing. I would tell anyone who might be visiting Las Vegas to see the show.
Now I wish someone would come up with a Dean & Jerry show to recreate their old days and nightclub comedy act.
(Deborah Rocher - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : I found a rare old Dean Martin record that says "Apollo Records" on the label. I showed it to a friend who said that it was a 78 RPM disc and one of Dean Martin's first recordings. I have done some checking on the Internet and found that the songs on this record are available on CD today.
Does anyone know if this original old record has any value?
(Ken Gara - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : I have always thought that Dean Martin and Tony Martin were related (brothers?). Does anyone know?
(Alex Sutton - Florida)
Dear DMFC : You site is the best!
(Laura Chandler - Arizona)
Dear DMFC : After watching the Academy Awards on TV, I think they should give Dean Martin some sort of honorable award. When he was with Jerry Lewis, they reigned as the top box office champs.
Dean then went on to make dozens of more movies on his own, including titles such as Rio Bravo and Airport.
For all he did for the movie industry, they should now give him an award!
(John Davenport - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I've been a member of your organization for over 20 years!!!! You guys are the greatest! No one... I mean NO ONE does more for keep Dean Martin's memory alive than you and your Dean Martin Fan Center.
Anyone else who may be reading this, please check out joining. It is great and I look forward to another twenty years!
(Ryan Soutien - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : I remember a TV series molded after the spy, Matt Helm, which Dean Martin made famous in a series of comedy spy movies. I don't remember who starred in it or if Dean appeared in the episodes. I'm not even sure I watched any of them. Does anyone recall what I'm talking about?
(Jeff Oliver - New York)
Dear DMFC : I was just wondering if they are planning to have Dean's 100 birthday bash. I live in Ontario and would love to go to something like this.
(Debralee Illies - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : Valentine's Day is the perfect day to play Dean's romantic love songs. My favorite is "I Wish You Love".
(Jen Purcel - California)
Dear DMFC : I know that this sounds dumb, but being the mega-star that Dean Martin was, how come there are no places in Las Vegas that have him memorialized? I know that there are various tribute shows, but there should be a place where even a display of photographs or memorabilia can be displayed and seen by all.
(Victor Lashing - GERMANY
Dear DMFC : Answer to Dennis McDougall - It’s easy to answer your question: The movie was a
western called, "Texas across the River“ (1966) with French actor and
heartthrob Alain Delon as his co-star. This western was more slapstick
than a classic. Compared to “Rio Bravo”, “The Sons of Kathie Elder” and
“Bandolero” it’s more a comedy than a western.
(Dry Likacovic - SWITZERLAND)
Dear DMFC : I miss my one and true Valentine... Dean Martin.
(Tracy Landon - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin has always been my favorite entertainer. I saw him perform live in Las Vegas twice and it was great! I have often wondered why no one had ever recorded his Las Vegas or nightclub act for the future. Even if they would not release it back when he was performing, they should have recorded it for history. Shame on his decision makers for depriving future generations of Dean's greatness.
(Susan Holmes - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : For years I have been typing the name "Deano" into my search engine and read about Dean Martin. It never occurred to me that I was spelling his name wrong until I used his real name, Dean. Then I learned that "Deano" was really "Dino" and it opened up a wealth of knowledge to me!
(Artlan Cosgive - AUSTRIA)
Dear DMFC : I am so thrilled to find your site and want to join up. Dean Martin was my very favorite entertainer!
(Leslie Bacaract - FRANCE)
Dear DMFC : They need to do a special on Dean Martin's life for his upcoming birthday and feature your organization, especially since your president had actually known Dean all those years during the time he starred in his TV show at NBC .
(James Parabou - New York)
Dear DMFC : Could you please tell me the name of the movie that Dean was in were he
was trying to have a gun fight with another person and Dean wanted to
have both parties to start the fight by walking from out of town (each a
different side of town) towards each other and the other person wanted
to stand back to back walk ten paces and turn ?
(Dennis McDougall)
Dear DMFC : I am hoping that you can help with a question -
I'm looking to buy a set of the complete Dean Martin Roasts but see
that there are two different box sets offered - a "Deluxe Collection"
and a "Complete Collection." Do you know what the difference is between
these two sets?
(Tom Cohen)
Dear DMFC : I can't believe there is an organization like this for my favorite singer of all time!
(Mrs. Lydia Brandson - Washington)
Dear DMFC : It is amazing to think 2 decades have gone by since Dino passed away.
It's not right to say we lost him or he left us because we always
have the wonderfuly legacy of his music, movies, TV shows, even old radio shows
thanks to those who have put together these options, plus the books &
articles (including DMFC) about him, as well as his family performing, such as
Deana & Ricci.
Always such joy for me to pop on some of his music to sing or hum along to,
or pop in something to watch on a big screen TV (not like the old small TV sets
when I used to watch his TV shows in the 60's and 70's.
Would like to see the remainder of the Martin & Lewis movies out on DVD
though (I think 3 left to release…please!).
Ann Hockey (Ladysmith BC, Canada)
Dear DMFC : I just got my copy of the latest Fan Center magazine and the information and pictures from Dean's appearance on The Hollywood Palace is just fantastic! Where did you guys get all that information and stuff? It is amazing!
(Mike Dressler - Maine)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone out there know of any places to visit when in the Los Angeles and Beverly Hills area that would be Dean Martin themed? I heard his old house has been torn down. I also heard that the NBC studios where he did his TV show is no longer the same place. Does anyone know if there are other places?
(Kevin Harding - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Just been watching Dean's 1967 Family Christmas Variety Show, and can't
believe it is 20 years since he passed away. He will always be in fans hearts
and remembered for how much pleasure he gave to all his fans worldwide, and am
looking forward to the Hologram show next year.
(Elaine Stone - London UK)
Dear DMFC : This is the year we should all remember Dean Martin. Play a song of his everyday and the world will be a much better place!
(Sandra Bismol - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : I wanted to wish all Dean Martin fans out there a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
(Joe March - New York)
Dear DMFC : As the anniversary of Dean Martin's death comes around, I am reminded how much Dean's music and his being relaxed us and gave us a sense of inner piece. Remember that when the world seems to get you down or overwhelmed - just stop, put on a Dean Martin CD - maybe watch a Dean Martin movie. You'll find yourself relaxing and forgetting your troubles. He's like medicine!
(Chris Lakey - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Everyone out there who is a Dean Martin fan, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
(Kindle Family - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Deanagers, I do not know how Dean Martin
traveled in 1983 but in the documentary Headliners & Legnds Dean
Martin on youtube (the “e” is missing in the title on youtube) you can
see him and Jeannie Martin in a Bus during (I believe)
the 1983 London trip. This is in reference to a post earlier on the
Bulletin. All the best
(Matthias - Vienna Austria)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone out there know how Dean Martin celebrated his Christmas holidays? Was he working in Las Vegas or making movies or did he enjoy the season resting at home with family?
(Kylie Nouhi - Maryland)
Dear DMFC : I just bought a cd of Dean Martin's Christmas songs and it is really good! I did a Google search and found your site and am very impressed and pleased that I had to leave a message on your bulletin board page.
(Jamie Douglas - Arizona)
Dear DMFC : This will mark the 20th anniversary of Dean Martin's death. Where has the last two decades gone?
(Gary Lingstrom - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : I see that they are running the commercial for Nissan's Murano again on television (It's the commercial that features Dean Martin's song "Ain't That a Kick in The Head").
How lucky can one guy be?
(Ted Wergen - California)
Dear DMFC : Hi again! Just found out that London's "Talk of The Town" closed in 1982!
Dear DMFC : I don't think Dean appeared at the "Talk Of The Town " in London during
1983 . And , I find it VERY hard to believe that he
"....parked his camper van outside....." a pub in Oxfordshire. We all know our great man appeared at London's Apollo Victoria
Theatre in 1983, and traveled by first class airline ticket when he came
to these shores. He stayed in Suite 210 at the Inn On The Park , Park Lane , and
traveled by limousine during his stay here.
I think Mr. Colby has his facts wrong.
Dear DMFC : I have been a huge Dean Martin fan since I can remember. Finding your Website and organization was a wonderful experience! I know that Dean passed away many years ago, but until searching through your site, I didn't remember it was almost twenty years ago! I guess still hearing Dean's voice and seeing his movies keeps him alive forever!
(Sharon Fadling - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : Happy Halloween to all fans of Dean Martin. Next up is Thanksgiving. We should all be thankful for having Dean Martin in our lives. We need his humor, spirit and warmth more so now than ever.
Kevin Labol - Pennsylvania
Dear DMFC : I am sitting watching The Stooge on TV in Mortimer, Berkshire England.
In 1983 Dean was appearing at The Talk Of The Town nightclub in London.
Whilst in England he parked his camper van (Winniebago?) at the Three Horseshoes pub
just outside Henley on Thames.
With Joey Bishop he went into the pub and everyone he met said what a fantastic,
friendly person he was.
I use to go to this pub and would have given anything to have been there.
He had a photo taken with the pub landlady and this was displayed for many years.
I was in a comedy duo at this time and my main influences were Dean and Jerry and
Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
In 1985 my partner recorded a video of our act in the
basement of this pub.
I have read many biographies of stars and what strikes me is virtually no one had a
bad word to say about Dean.
Even now he is the epitome of cool and knowing what a great guy he was makes him
even cooler. Best Regards
(Andy Coleby - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : I know this has been asked before, but is there a Dean Martin costume or mask one can get for Halloween?
(Craig Sharps - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : I am a big fan of the "spy" craze that we experienced in the 1960's with James Bond and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. ushering in a wave of other movies and shows like Our Man Flint, The Avengers and Get Smart.
A big contributor to this open was the four Matt Helm movies that Dean Martin starred in. Many people may not remember, but Martin's movies were so popular, that they even created TV series called Matt Helm that starred Tony Franciosa to continue the plot line that Dean Martin helped start.
I thought Dean Martin was suppose to make a fifth Matt Helm movie, but I don't think it ever came about or was made.
(Gregory Pirout - New York)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for this site.
(Mercedes Sautter - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Your latest issue was just the best! Thank you for all the knowledge and insight you provide on Dean Martin and his life and career. Your magazine is better and more in-depth than most newspapers and major magazines out today!
(Jason Finney - Washington)
Dear DMFC : I think someone should put together a one hour TV special celebrating Dean Martin. Don't you think it would get a lot of high ratings? It would also boost the popularity of Mr. Martin with the younger generation. I would like cutting the cost of using his image and name would be an intelligent way to bolster profits in record sales and DVD's.
(Terry Williams - California)
Dear DMFC : Just read latest newsletter and very good. Are they going to release any new uncut
Variety Shows for Dean's 100th Birthday ? It would be wonderful as they are so good
and I have all up to date including every one of Best of Variety , but as there were
so many shows it would be wonderful to see more uncut. He was wonderful to watch
then and still is today. He will always be remembered and hope a big event will be
done for his 100th Birthday and lots of unseen shows will be released.
(Elaine Stone - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : I recently joined your Fan Center and just got my copy of the Dean Martin Fan Center magazine featuring Van Alexander (Dean's Musical Arranger). What a great issue! I enjoyed reading about someone who was so close to Dean and all that he had done in his lifetime. Thank you
(Kylan Howard - New England)
Dear DMFC : I have been a fan of Deans for 50 years even my Grand kids know who he is. And the
youngest being 7. I have had the pleasure of seeing Dean's show in Vegas in 1970 at
the Rivera. He was the best. Now I have seen Ricci and Deana. At Foxwoods casino in
Connecticut 3 years ago I met both of them after the show. Deana looked at my
scrapbooks I had from years ago and though they were great. His kids doing a show to
remember there father is fantastic. It was a honor for me to meet them especially me
being a big fan
(Linda McKenna - Connecticut)
Dear DMFC : If you are in the Las Vegas area, you HAVE to see a show called "The Rat Pack is Back". The guy who play Dean Martin (Drew) is exactly like Dean! He looks and acts just like him!
(Rebecca Kanton - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I just love your website on Dean. He was and will always be the best!
(Lisa Ann Gregory - Utah)
Dear DMFC : This in answer to Hope Conina, Michigan: I actually just saw this information yesterday while looking for something else:"He
was awarded 3 Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Motion Pictures
at 6519 Hollywood Boulevard, for Recording at 1617 Vine Street, and for
Television at 6651 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California.” This
from IMDb, Dean’s bio, trivia section.
No guarantee of accuracy, but likely is. I don’t remember which star I’ve seen myself, because I didn’t know Dean had 3!
(Ann Hockey - B.C. CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I just saw a Dean Martin impersonator that was the best I have ever seen! His name is Joe Scallisi and I saw him in Wisconsin. If anyone is up in the Madison area, you have to go see Joe! It's eerie how much he looks and sounds like Dean. He even has Dean's mannerisms down to the tiniest movements!
(Carol Stewart - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I just read that Dean Martin's Music Arranger, Van Alexander died in Los Angeles. How old was Mr. Alexander?
(Jason Briebert - New York)
Hi Jason - Yes, Van Alexander passed away on July 19th. He had just passed his 100th birthday! We are dedicating our next Dean Martin Fan Center issue in memory of Van and will have a section on his 100th birthday party celebration. Thanks for writing!
Dear DMFC : Thank you for having this Website in honor of Dean Martin. Even though he has passed away, we still here a song or see him in a movie on TV all the time. To me, he's still with us - forever!
(Charlie Lindforth - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : Hope you are all well at the "Fan Center"and hello from a damp Great Britain!! Although it's really wonderful to have a DVD release of one of Dean's 1983 London concerts, from the Apollo Victoria, it would be a real bonus to have a DVD released of the actual FULL CONCERT.
The item available at the moment has been drastically cut, edited and added to from the original concert. Being someone who saw every one of his 'evenings' both at The Apollo Victoria, and later in 1987 at the London Palladium, it's a massive shame to know there is footage somewhere all Deanagers would love to see.
(Graham Daniels - South Wales : GREAT BRITAIN)
Dear DMFC : I’ve recently been reading about all of the things that the Sinatra
family (Estate) has planned to celebrate Frank’s 100th birthday. I
would love to see something along these lines being planned to celebrate
Dean’s 100th. Some unreleased music, some movies on blu-ray, maybe the
first release of “Who’s Been Sleeping in My Bed.” I’d love to see a
network special hosted by Jerry celebrating Dean’s 100th and the career
of Martin & Lewis. Is there anything that the fans can do to get
the ball rolling for something special to remind folks just how special
and talented this guy from Steubenville was ?
(Gregg McKenzie - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Can someone tell me where Dean Martin's 'stars' are on the sidewalks in Hollywood? I am planning a trip to California real soon and wanted to see them. Also, how many does he have?
(Hope Conina - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I think one of the cable stations should have a Dean Martin 24-hour marathon of his movies. Actually with all the movies he made, they could have a 7-day marathon!
(Carley Rimes - Illinois)
Dear DMFC : I'm wondering if Las Vegas has anything planned for Dean's upcoming 100th birthday?
(Kathy Talkin - Utah)
Dear DMFC : I'm a new fan of Dean Martin's. I saw an old movie that Dean was in with Jerry Lewis called "Hollywood or Bust" at a friends house. We both roared with laughter and checked to see if there were any more movies on the Internet. That's when I found you and your Website and have learned how big of a star Dean Martin was!
Next year I will be a senior in high school, so I just wanted to tell you that he just got a new young fan now.
(Jeremy DeLuca - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Your last Dean Martin Fan Center magazine was the best! I love all the Matt Helm movies and the pictures and information in the last issue was great! Keep up the fantastic work!
(Chris Stepmore - New York)
Dear DMFC : June 7th - Dean's Birthday! He would have been 98 years old. All of us miss you and your music so very much.
(Catherine Beecher - Suffolk, England)
Dear DMFC : Remembering Dean on his birthday. I was lucky to have
gone to his show in London in 1983 and will have the wonderful memories for the rest
of life. Fabulous he was and still missed .
(Elaine Stone - London, England)
Dear DMFC : Time Life was putting out a lot of DVDs of The Dean Martin Show a while back, but all of a sudden they stopped. Is it because they weren't selling or are they not able to obtain the rights? We want more Dino!
(Don DeSault - New Hampshire)
Dear DMFC : How lucky can one guy be? I kissed her and she kissed me. Like the fellow once said; Happy Birthday Dean!
(Jim Nouhi - California)
Dear DMFC : Wow... June is here already and almost time for Dean's Birthday!
(Karen Beecher - Iowa)
Dear DMFC : My favorite place to visit is Las Vegas, Nevada. I go there about three times a year and just love it! The food is cheap... the rooms are reasonable (especially if you go often they invite you back!) and the shows are great.
I'll always remember my parents taking me to Las Vegas when I was in high school. The town was really different than it is today. The memory that stays with me is how both Elvis Presley and Dean Martin really made an impact there. They were the ones who made Las Vegas grow into the empire it is today thanks to encouraging all the people to go there and see them in person. Dean was a giant in Las Vegas, just like he was in the movies and on TV.
So when I think of Las Vegas, or when I just enter from the freeway and see those bight light in the distance, I ALWAYS think of Dean Martin and it makes me smile.
(Gary Tassmond - California)
Dear DMFC : April Showers bring warm memories of Dean
(Karen Mitchell - Utah)
Dear DMFC : Did you know that there is a street called Dean Martin Boulevard in Las Vegas?
(Kim Lacey - California)
Dear DMFC : I am a young fan of Dean Martin's. My age is 15 and I go to school in Oregon. My best friend Gary likes to go to thrift stores and look for old DVD's and even VHS tapes. He says that a lot of really good movies are not on TV or cable and that this is the only was to see them.
Well yesterday Gary gave me two videos. One was a DVD of a movie called Hollywood or Bust, and the other was a disc of episodes from the Dean Martin TV shows.
I could not believe how good and funny these both were! I have heard my parents talk about Martin and Lewis, but I never knew who they were until I saw the movie. Then, I watched the Dean Martin Show episodes and nearly went insane. They were fabulous! Now I know who Dean Martin is, and after finding your Website, I know why so many people love him! I also have a source now to tell me all the titles of every Dean Martin movie. There is so much I can't believe it! I will be joining his fan club right away. I am hooked!
I will post more later when I get time. Thanks.
(Jason Coston - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for being here for all us Dean Martin fans! You do a service to all of us for keeping Dean's music and image alive!
(Jess Barrosse
Dear DMFC : In a Johnny Carson book they made a not nice incorrect statement about Dean. Said he had to be removed from a Ronald Reagan event because he was drunk! Made me so mad! Dean never appeared ANYWHERE drunk! I am an 85 year old long time Dean Martin fan.
(Dottie Farrar)
Dear DMFC : I love Dean Martin. For over twenty years I have been trying to collect all of his records that were made in America. Thanks to your list, I am able to have about 95 percent of everything.
I find it strange that vinyl records are a thing of the past, and no one seems to have any or collect any, but where did they all go?!?!
There should be millions of records out there all over the place, but it seems like they all have gone into hiding.
Dean was the best!
(Oskar Hastings - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : Your lastest issue with Mickey Rooney, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin is the best. I am always amazed about how much information you have!
(Lesley Wagner - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I just read the post about giving Dean Martin cd's for Valentine's Day... well about three years ago I took my wife out to a nice restaurant with soft background music for a romantic dinner. We both had ordered when suddenly the lights dimmed a little and Dean Martin's song, "It's Easy To Remember" came on over the speakers.
Suddenly, the gentleman in the booth two over from us took his date's hand and began to sing with the song (he sounded a lot like Dean). At first she was startled, but then she lost all concept that they were in a restaurant filled with other people and just fell into a romantic trance staring at her date with the biggest smile.
When it was over, everyone in the restaurant started to applaud and even the waiters and busboys came out from where they were to join in with the experience.
It was one of those magical moments that my wife or I will never forget. Now, every year since, my wife asks me if I will sing a Dean Martin song to her like that gentleman did for his date. I just smile and start to sing, "I'm Yours..." while we both wind up laughing and remembering.
Happy Valentine's Day!
(Tim Lefevre - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : One of the hotels in Las Vegas should give some thought to opening a Dean Martin museum for visitors. It would benefit both the casino and Dean's memory.
(Gary Eagle - California)
Dear DMFC : Just wanted to share that tonight I'm listening to Dean & Jerry live at the Sands
Hotel Jan. 29, 1955. 60 years ago tonite!!! What an awesome show.
(Kevin Fontaine)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin was and still is my favorite singer of all time!
(Dustin Millan - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I wanted to find out what to get for my girlfriend for Valentine's Day... candy? roses?... so I asked her Mom what she thought. She said Julie would love Dean Martin cd's. She said that it would be the most romantic gift I could give her. Wow... I had to post this for any guy who doesn't know what to get their girlfriend.
(Kevin Hortence - Oregon)
Dear DMFC : After watching the Superbowl game and seeing the Budweiser commercials, I was wondering if anyone remembers the Bud commercial a few years ago that had Dean's "Ain't That a Kick in The Head" in it?
(Carmen Krikorian - New York)
Dear DMFC : Happy New Year to all at the Fan Center.I hope this year brings happiness and good luck to all in 2015.
I have a tradition that I have been following since 1969. Every new year, the first song I play has to be a Dean Martin song. I feel that it gives me good luck for the new year.
This year my chosen song by Dean was "Open Up The Door and Let The Good Times In". I thought that was fitting!
Again, Happy New Year!
(Ed Richardson - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I remember the Dean Martin New Years Eve show with Frank Sinatra. I think the network (especially NBC) should run that show again this New Years Eve. I think a zillion people would tune in!
(Jeff Parker - Florida)
Dear DMFC : I have been listening to Christmas Music all week long on the radio here in L.A. on KOST 103.5 and everythime they play a Dean Martin song, the announcer makes a quick joke about Dean's drinking image. I'm so glad Dean recorded Christmas songs so we can all hear his warm voice at this time of the year!
(Linda Burkes - California)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for having this tribute to Dean Martin. I just got a new I-Pad for Christmas and the first place I went to visit was this website. Now I can visit when I'm not at home on the big computer.
(Lisa Redding - New York)
Dear DMFC : Maybe you guys could make a list of all the movies and TV shows that have had a Dean Martin song in them. I swear, it seems like eveyone wants to put one of his songs into their soundtracks.
(Paul Walburn - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Merry Christmas to all Dino fans. I'll always remember my favorite entertainer on Christmas Day. He made the world a much better place.
(Kevin Knott - South Carolina)
Dear DMFC : It's hard to believe that Dean has been gone for so long. He died on a Christmas morning, which I will never forget. This Christmas, as with every Christmas, I make sure to play his Christmas songs and give a little toast to the legend that will live forever to me.
(Ray Costarella - New York)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for a wonderful site and tribute to Dean Martin. I am interested in joining your fan club.
(Sue Parker - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : With Thanksgiving coming so quickly, I just wanted to give thanks that the world was given the talents of Dean Martin. His music, movies and TV show all helped me get through life. My Father dies when I was very young, and my Mom battled cancer for many many years, finally overcoming it and lived to be 78. Through all those rough times, Dean made her smile, which made me smile. Thank you Dean Martin!
(Kenneth Pinker - South Dakota)
Dear DMFC : There's a brand new CD out for the holidays called "Dino's Christmas". It's got a cover picture of Dean singing with a music stand and piece of sheet music behind him. I swear I've seen this photo someplace before, but Dean was singing into a mike.
Anyway, even though it's the same Christmas songs rehashed from the past, it's nice to know that his Christmas musc is available for a younger generation to still enjoy.
(Ned Williams - California)
Dear DMFC : I use to be a member of your fan center for Dean Martin about 20 years ago. I didn't continue my membership because I went into the Army and then forgot about you guys years later when I got out and started looking for a job. I recently found your Website and re- joined a few months ago. To my great surprise, your magazine publication has vastly improved since those days many many years ago. Your magazine is as good as any magazine on the market newstands today! I am overwhelmed to say the least! Thanks... hopefully I am going to remain a member and subscriber for many more years to come!
(Gary Roush - Virginia)
Dear DMFC: Just received my latest issue of your magazine that features Scared Stiff (The Martin and Lewis movie). I remember seeing that movie many many years ago and forgot about it. It made me go out and buy it on DVD to show my kids. It was kinda slow moving in the beginning, but got better as it went on!
(Russell DeLong - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : Thank you for your wonderful Website on Dean. He was my favorite singer growing up.
(Catherine Cooper - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I saw a Dean Martin face mask a number of years back. I hope that help Tim from Tennessee. At least he'll know what to look for!
(Mary DiStefano - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I don't think anyone makes a Dean Martin Halloween costume, but all you would need is a tuxedo and a drink in one hand. Oh... and say "Pally" a lot when you ring the doorbell asking for candy.
(Drew Reynolds - Texas)
Dear DMFC : There's a TV show on NBC called "The Blacklist". It is the perfect show to have Dean Martin music playing in the background. Someone connected with the show show think about it!
(Hymie Torlakson - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : This question probably gets asked quite often, but does anyone know if they have a Dean Martin Halloween costume?
(Tim Schilling - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : Just listening to Dean's CD and That's Amore. Thanks Dino wherever you are - likely
hanging out with the other Rat Pack angels. Ciao bello!
(Rose Calderon)
Dear DMFC : I was reading a book titled "Warm Bodies" and Dean Martin was mentioned in it! He's everywhere!
(Kelly Monk - Missouri)
Dear DMFC : It's Labor Day weekend and I just caught a bit of the Muscular Dystrophy telethon on TV. It made me remember when Jerry Lewis hosted it for all those years. I read someplace that Jerry's partner Dean Martin was also the host the first year the telethon was broadcast. Is that true?
(Doug Velman - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin was one of the best singers there ever was - if not the BEST!
(Carol Sundary - Oklahoma)
Dear DMFC : I wanted to ask everyone out there... what do you think Dean would say if he were here today? About the music scene... about the world in general?
(Art Helms - Connecticut)
Dear DMFC : I just wanted to pass along that I use to watch the Dean
Martin Show and Roasting hour and I sure miss the talent and the joy that was on
those programs.
Man, how I miss those days. Dean was a wonderful entertainer
and singer and I miss hearing his voice.
I am so glad there are instruments like You Tube out there to
watch some of history, watching Dean laugh with Foster Brooks, Don Rickles and
many others. Pure talent at its best that we will likely never see
Please thank all those involved with keeping Dean’s history
alive. He will never be forgotten in our home or memories. God bless Dean and
his family!
(Chris Hayes)
Dear DMFC : He is truly Mr. Wonderful! He could do it all! Mr. Style and Grace!
(Pam Sigmon)
Dear DMFC : Dean would have been 98 this year. I hope you guys go all out to celebrate Dean's 100th in 2017!
(Kristen Loutin - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : Wow, I have been a member for about ten years now, and your latest issue with Pat Crowley is the best one yet! Thank you for everything you guys do.
(Clarissa Opton)
Dear DMFC : I remember seeing your Fan Club's owner on a TV program about 15 years ago, showing parts of his collection and talking about the years he knew Dean and spent with him on his TV show. The program was called something like "Treasures you Have" or "Treasures in Your Home"... something like that.
Well, I just saw an episode of Biography where your owner narrates a lot of it, and recognized that it was the same person. I remembered his last name was Daniels, and that's how I came to find your site and fan club. This is a great tribute to the greatest singer of all time!
(Jim Hollander - New York)
Dear DMFC : I have been a Dean Martin fan since I saw my first Martin and Lewis movie. I still listen to my Dean Martin songs every week and every month I make sure to watch a different Dean Martin movie. I actually have all of them but four. I think I have almost 50 movies he had made and all are precious. I wish he were still here today, making more movies!
(Julie Baker - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Can anyone shed light on the real story of what happened to Dean Martin the ten years before he passed away? It seems like someone just hid him away.
(Charles Linden - Utah)
Dear DMFC : I am a brand new member and just got my first magazine with Pat Crowley on the cover. I have never seen a magazine like yours. It is wonderful! I am so glad I found you and joined.
(Byron Meyer - AUSTRIA)
Dear DMFC: To all Dean Martin fans - Tonight say a prayer for Dean at 11:00 PM. . Tell him that we miss him and are thinking about him and wish him a happy birthday. Maybe if we all do it, he will hear us load and clear!
(Taryn Visser - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : We miss you Dean but we will never forget!
(Gary Liebman - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : Happy Birthday to my favorite idol!
(Bob Dombrowski - Illinois)
Dear DMFC : I just joined and received my first issue of your magazine with an interview and close up with actree Pat Crowley. I wish I knew about your organization years ago. Can I get back issues?
(Carmen Bentley - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : Dean is the best!
(Carol Dramt - Utah)
Dear DMFC : An answer to a previous post - NO, Dean Martin and Tony Martin are not related.
(Charlie Shawn - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I have got an idea. Why don't they re-release some older semi-classic films into movie theatres? It would be great to see an old Martin and Lewis movie on the big screen.
How about "Bells Are Ringing" on the big screen remastered in stereo surround? I mean, the cost of the film has already been paid for. All they would need to do is transfer the movie and clean it up a bit. Even if it made a quarter of what a new release would make, the overhead would still make it a money maker!
(Leslie Fedder - New York)
Dear DMFC : Love your site! So well done, and always brings a
smile to my face whenever I check in. I’ve been searching long and hard
for any sheet music (chords & lyrics) to “Baby-O” and have found
nothing. I wouldn’t even mind a fan’s attempts
or guesses at it, so it wouldn’t necessarily have to be anything that
was necessarily sold as official or formal “sheet music” (although that
would be even better!).Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(Steve Matthews)
Dear DMFC : You guys outdid yourselves with the Pat Crowley story. I remember her from Please Don't Eat The Daisies and have seen her in so many things since. I hope she write her biography because it would be a best seller for sure!
(Janet Trummel - Washington)
Dear DMFC : Wow, what a cover on your latest issue. Pat Crowley is georgous! No wonder she played Dean Martin's girl in Hollywood or Bust!
(Greg Powers - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : We just got out latest issue of the Dean Martin Fan Center magazine and were thrilled to read the story on Pat Crowley. We had no idea that she had done so much in her career until we read the magazine! Keep up the good work!
(The Landons - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : I got married in Las Vegas and on our honeymoon, we went to see Dean Martin's show at Balley's. I told the person at the door that we had just gotten married, and they must have mentioned it to Dean because halfway through his show, he stopped and asked if Greg and Liz were in the audience.
We both raided our hands, and Dean began to sing "That's Amore" to us and told the audience that we had just gotten married. It was a thrill beyond belief.
Now whenever I think back about our wedding day, or hear "That's Amore", I always think back to the time Dean sang to us!
(Elizabeth Dougan - Florida)
Dear DMFC : I have a question for anyone who can answer: I love the Matt Helm movies that Dean Martin did. I know of four of them, but why didn't they continue to make more like the James Bond series? I know that there are more books they could have used.
(Terry Williams - CANADA)
Dear DMFC: Is Dean Martin and Tony Martin related? Does anyone know? My Mom says they are.
(John McCabe - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : I first fell in love with Dean Martin's voice after hearing a couple of his songs on the radio. After I bought my first CD, I really liked his "other" songs more than the hits songs I heard on the radio. That led me to buying more, and now I have over 40 of Dean's CD's.
Now, I am discovering the movies he made and the TV show he had. Wow, this guy was a superstar when it came to all he did! Can anyone today say that they did as much in so many different areas (singing, acting, hosting) as Dean?
(Amy Pettyfer - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I have a question for anyone who might know... being that today is Ash Wednesday, I was wondering if Dean Martin was Catholic and if he followed any religious customs or went to church?
(Ashley Moreno - Nebraska)
Dear DMFC : Where can I view a video of Dean Martin singing this Oscar winning song from the 1950 academy awards?
(Michael A. Orloff - Illinois)
Dear DMFC : On Jay Leno's last Tonight Show episode a few weeks ago, he said that his very first television network appearance was on Dean Martin's Comedy World Summer Show. Man, Dino sure gets mentioned a lot!
(Cathy Becket - New York)
Dear DMFC : On last night's show "The Voice" on NBC, judge Blake Shelton mentioned that he loves Dean Martin and he even started to sing a little bit of "Ain't That a Kick in The Head"!
(James Wallis - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC: Nothing could beat a Valentine's surprise I gave to my wife. I had spoke ahead of time to the manager our favorite restaurant (The Olive Garden). I asked him if I could have a red rose waiting on the table and if he would mind putting on a CD I had of romantic songs all sung by Dean while we dined.
He was so happy to help in any way to make Valentine's Day special, and was my wife surprised when we got there. During dinner, a lot of the other customers that were seated around us made comments on how great the music was and hearing Dean sing!
The couple seated closest to us made it a point to talk to us and said that Dean's music made their Valentine's Day special for them too.
As we left, I had thanked the manager for everything he did, and told him to give the CD of Dean's songs to the couple that were seated next to us as a Valentine's gift. I swear, I thought it almost made him cry with joy (It did my wife).
Thank you Dean Martin for all the years of pleasure hearing your beautiful voice and making us feel so happy!
(Tim Harwood - California)
Dear DMFC : What great news that ALL of Dean's post Capitol recordings on the Reprise Label are to be re-mastered and released on CD's. I sincerely hope that when looking through the archives, that Legacy see it suitable to release everything, even songs that have been recorded but NOT released such as... (session dates in brackets)...
"Everybody Loves Somebody" (Spanish Version from Oct 23rd, 1964)
"Leave a Light in Your Window" (Jan 11th, 1966)
"I Don't Know if The World Outside Tomorrow", "Love Is Forever", "You're The One Thing That Makes My Life Worth Living", "One in My Life", "To Keep a Roof Over My Head" (May 13th, 1968)
"Remembering", "Jam", "My First Night Alone" (June 11th, 1968)
"I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter", "Come Live With Me", "Smoke", "Bidin' My Time" (August 18th, 1970)
"Do You Think It's Time", "I Can Remember" (April 12th, 1971)
"I'll Hold Out My Hand" (August 10th, 1973)
Wouldn't it be just great to see all of these gems released on one SPECIAL CD. It would be wonderful for Deanagers everywhere, and a very welcome addition to any collection. Please make it happen.
(Graham Daniels - Great Britain)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know which football teams Dean Martin liked? I heard he watched football a lot.
(S. Reham - Texas)
Dear DMFC: I just received the latest Dean Martin Fan Center issue and I love the article on The Cannonball Run! I know that Dean wasn't featured in the movie, but his role along with Sammy Davis Jr's make the whole film much more exciting. This weekend I am going to find my DVD copy and watch Cannonball Run again!
(Andrew Bartz - Tennessee)
Dear DMFC : I am a big Dean Martin fan who lives in Germany. Dean is still popular and well known by us over here. He was and is truly an American icon. I am always on the lookout for new Dean Martin material to be put out that has been hidden away. Anyway, thanks from Germany!
(Henry J. Eshom - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : I just purchased Dean's DVD box set of Celebrity Roasts. I wanted to tell everybody that these are really great! I remember seeing some of them when I was in my younger days, but to have all of them together in one huge box set is great. They are so fantastic. The super stars that appear in each of them are so much fun to watch, especially the serious actors out of characture telling jokes and poking fun.
If you're a big Dino fan, you have to get this set!
(Terry Kindle - Texas)
(Caroline Testry - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all other Dino fans out there!!!
(Les Kindle - California)
Dear DMFC : I am a huge Dean Martin fan and I am glad that our radio station mentioned your Website on the air after playing "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer". I have been a fan forever and I'm glad that he has not been forgotten!
I see that you have a magazine and fan club. I wish I had known about this before Christmas because it would have made great Christmas presents for my friends. I guess I'll be giving subscriptions for New Years.
(Kerry Hawthorne - Washington)
Dear DMFC : It's more of a Marshmallow World today than it ever was. How did Dean know that things were going to get this bad? We need you back to cheer us up and tell us that it's going to get better!
(Jack Frammel - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Merry Christmas to all my friends in America. Thank you for giving us Dean Martin. He and Frank Sinatra were the greatest.
(Kirk Connery - GERMANY)
Dear DMFC : It's so wonderful that Dean's music is heard every year about this time. I know that his songs are played all year around, but his Christmas songs seem to be more special. Even the radio announcer makes it a point to mention that "this is Dean Martin".
(Gary March - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin passed away on Christmas Day in 1995 but we remember him as if he were still with us. Hearing his Christmas songs this time of the year makes us remember him in our prayers.
(Andrea Grusin - New York)
Dear DMFC : My 5 year old daughter can pick out when a Dean Martin Christmas song comes on the radio within the first three notes of the music! Are we bringing her up right, or what?
(Kevin Branagh - Connecticut)
Dear DMFC : December is my birthday month & I'm listening to some of my Dino
CD's--mainly my Bear Family collection (which if anyone doesn't have is the most
wonderful resource, chronologically recorded & including extra tracks of
songs not chosen for records, plus includes movie song recordings, and each with
a hardcover reference book--there are four sets in total, the first 2 with 8 CDs
each, the final 2 sets have 6 CDs and a movie trailer DVD each).
Anyway, 1 question & 1 point related to the song, The Story of Life
(All This is Mine), which is on Tower Records, DT5006, "Dean Martin The Lush
Question: I have many song lyrics written out for myself--mainly copied while
listening to my LPs or CDs, also researched online. Re these particular lyrics,
I beg to differ with what I've found online on various sites (no variation, so I
assume copied over & over), and would like anyone (official from DMFC or any
reader of this post) to confirm these lines for me:
--1st verse, "the sight of a bird on the wing" does make sense, but
I feel I clearly hear Dean singing "...bird on a wing"
--2nd verse, "the cold of the fall or the spring" makes possible
sense, but I hear "the call of the fall or the spring" (which I think I
like better!)
--3rd verse (after what could be called the chorus which is repeated after
this 3rd verse), "the hopes and the dreams each day may enfold", but I
think Dean says "...unfold"...either could make sense
--also in this 3rd verse (which is repeated) is written online as follows:
"all this is your and mine to behold", but Dean definitely sings
"...yours and mine..." (which I definitely like better!), so this last
"miss" certainly has me wondering about the accurateness of the other parts I've
I realize what may be the "proper" lyrics may not be what Dean sang...and I
will write out for myself how he sang it.
So does anyone know the properly written lyrics; as well if anyone can give
me their interpretation after listening to Dean singing it? Help me
Point: This song, The Story of Life, is a very important one for me (also with
future importance...hopefully much in the future, if my meaning is
I have just realized that the information listed in the Bear Family book
("Return to Me", p. 79) regarding the 2 takes of this song is incorrect insofar
as which made it to that Tower Record. Bear Family states as follows
--1st recorded Dec 12, 1960, and indicates this track only made it to
BCD15959-5/14 (5th CD of that set, song 14), in other words, this is deemed to
be a previously unreleased version
--2nd recording on Feb 10, 1961, and indicates this track is on T5006
(Tower Records) plus BCD15959-5/22, 5th CD, song 22 (meaning chronologically 7
other songs were recorded between them...which are others on Dec 12, also a Dec
13 session and one song on Feb 10th before this track)
Anyone listening to both of these versions would realize this information
is reversed, i.e. the Dec 12/60 track is the same as on the LP, and the 2nd
recording is not--there is a difference in the instrumentals, plus the recording
time is different (original is 3:17, mere seconds longer). So even though a 2nd
track was done, it was decided to use the 1st one on the LP. This isn't
critical information...just a detail important to me!
Hope every Dino fan has a great "Marshmallow", "Snow", "Silent Night",
"White", "Blue", "Silver" etc type of December, and I'll be watching for answers
about the lyrics. Cheers and Ciao,
(Ann Hockey - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I love listening to Dean Martin at Christmas time. His music is timeless.
(Grant Nalog - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : At Thanksgiving time I always have my family stop and give thanks to something before we eat our Thanksgiving dinner. My husband gave thanks to me, my daughter gave thanks to our health, and my son gave thanks to God. When it came to our Grandson (who is 7), he stated out loud, "I give thanks to Dean Martin."
My husband looked at me, we looked at out kids, and then asked our Grandson, "Dean Martin?!?"
He replied, "He makes me laugh and I like his singing."
We were astonished! Where did he ever hear or see Dean Martin we thought... then he added, "I saw Grand Dad watching a movie with a crazy guy and he sang songs while the crazy guy did funny thinks to him. They man on TV said that it was Dean Martin and Jerry Uwis."
It must have been a Martin and Lewis movie he had seen a while back and had stayed with him all this time! Does that tell you what talent and charisma Dean Martin had, even over my seven year old grandson all these years after Dean's passing! I just had to write and let you hear my story.
(Gayle Schumer - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : I love Dean Martin. I listened to him and watched his TV show while going through school. He was the best in everything he did!
(Karen Batim - Connecticut)
Dear DMFC : I spent 43 years in television. I worked as a grip on the Dean Martin Show in the late 1960's and early 1970's. His show was taped at NBC studios in Burbank, California. Out of my entire 43 years, the best times were working on Dean's show. Dean was the nicest and most considerate person. He would go out of his way to make sure everyone could do their job with the greatest of ease. He would always be joking with all of us and would ask us about our lives and was truly interested in what any of us had to say.
I remember once Dean had found out that my car had broke down in the parking lot at NBC when I barely got to work. He had someone send for a tow truck to have my car taken anywhere I wanted, and made sure that the bill for fixing it was sent to his office. I can't think of ANYONE who would do a good deed as Dean Martin had. He was truly a one of-a-kind gentleman that everyone respected to the hilt!
Thank you for your great website. I would like to join your fan club and get your magazines.
(James Bittmour - California)
Dear DMFC : I always wished that Mr. Martin would have run for political office. He would have easily been elected. Could you imagine?
(Judy Johnson - Idaho)
Dear DMFC : I have been a huge Dean fan ever since my parents would let me stay up to watch his TV show. I was in my early teens when his show went off the air but it only seems like yesterday that I was watching him slide down his fireman's pole or sing "Décor to my World" with The Golddiggers. I have an idea: why don't they put repeats of his show back on NBC. With the way the network seems to be struggling, they couldn't do any worse!!!
(Michael Borgman - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know how long Dino played The Sands in Las Vegas (between which years)?
(Carol Scott - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I read before that the Dean Martin family does not allow Dean's face or image used for any costumes.
(Keith Joseph - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I am a huge Dean Martin fan and just wanted to say thank you for this wonderful website!
(Michael Burra - AUSTRIA)
Dear DMFC : I think I asked this question last year, but does anyone know if anyone sells a Dean Martin Halloween costume or mask? I remember three kids coming to my house a few years ago dressed as The Rat Pack in tuxedos and when I answered the door, they sang a song asking for candy. It was so cute. A little Dean, a little Frank and a little Sammy. I wish I would have taken a picture!
(Candice Series - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : For Charlene who asked about the Roasts - I heard that they have all been remastered to the very best they can be. Being that they are on DVD as apposed to the VHS tape releases years ago, and having a lot of extra bonus material, this looks like a good deal. I don't think that anything in the future will be any better.
(James Corder - New York)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know about the new Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts that are being put out by Time Life? Are they different than the ones available by mail many years back?
(Charlene Pawlyn - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Thanks for the notice that Dean's song "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" was in the first episode of the new NBC series "The Blacklist". It's always exciting to hear Dean singing - especially on his old network!
(Rob Newton - Florida)
Dear DMFC : A long time ago I worked at Paramount Studios and remember seeing Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on the lot quite often. I remember that Mr. Martin was always so nice and such a gentleman. He would always have a smile and walk up and ask me how I was doing. Not many stars like that in those days.
I am now 81 years old and still remember those days with fondness and how Dean always went out of his way to say hello.
(James Engstrom - California)
Dear DMFC : It's amazing that ever since the MD association decided to not have Jerry Lewis host it's annual telethon, we don't hear much about the organization anymore. We miss you Jerry!
(Lydia Crawley - Michigan)
Dear DMFC : It's great to see that some of the Dean Martin Shows are finally coming out on DVD. Dean's TV Show was the greatest and he had just about everybody who was known in Hollywood on his show!
(Mrs. Donna Pesch - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I haven't joined your fan center yet, but I see that your next issue features the reunion of The Golddiggers. The Golddiggers were one of my favorite parts of Dean's show, when he would sing and cut-up with them. Then I remember The Golddiggers getting their own show.
I've been curious over the years as to what happened to all these ladies of The Golddiggers, so I am sending in my membership application today and can't wait to see your next issue!
(Sam Dower - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : To answer Craig Bellamy from Australia - I think it was Sy Devore who tailored Dean's clothes. I am sure that The Fan Center knows more about that.
(Eileen Miller - Pennsylvania)
Dear DMFC : While attending a wedding at The Sportsman Lodge in North Hollywood / Studio City, I could not help but notice all the beautiful ladies lined up outside the banquet room waiting to have their photo taken. In the middle of the group stood took big stars, Florence Henderson and Lainie Kazan.
After their photos were taken, I spoke to Neil Daniels, your center's president, who told me that it was a reunion for The Golddiggers and everyone involved with The Dean Martin Show. He introduced me to a couple of The Golddiggers and he gave me his card, and asked me to write down my address.
Today, in the mail, I received three back issues of The Dean Martin Fan Center magazine with a note from Mr. Daniels that he enjoyed talking with me.
I can't say enough how this was so kind and generous of him. I had no idea that there was a fan center for Dean Martin. I can't wait to sign up. Dean Martin was truly, one of the biggest stars and best singers in the world. He always made people smile.
Please thank Mr. Daniels for sharing his time with me. It made my day, month and year!
(Gary Woods - California)
Dear DMFC : My wife and I saw Dean Martin in Las Vegas back in the 1970's. We were lucky to have been given complimentary seats to his show. My wife will always remember when Dean came over to the edge of the stage and conversed with my wife while in between songs. She has kept the show menu and we still have it displayed on the wall in our dining room!
(Cody Barsi)
Dear DMFC : I was wondering who designed Dean's clothing (suits, shirts and shoes?).
This would make a great article for the magazine....I remember someone saying
that Dean looked as comfortable in his suit as in his pajamas . Keep up the great work you do!
(Craig Bellamy - AUSTRALIA)
Dear DMFC : I recently rented an older movie from about 15 years ago called "Return To Me" with Minnie Driver. I was overly surprised to hear so many mentions of Dean Martin in the movie and so many of his songs. It was a very nice and tearful love story that every Dean Martin fan would want to see. It was a wonderful surprise for me!
(Stephen Sayers - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : We don't hear a lot about Jerry Lewis now that he is not hosting the MD telethon anymore. Does anyone know what he is doing?
(Pat Conrad - Florida)
Dear DMFC : He was the greatest singer of all time!
(Skip Priven - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if Dean liked to swim? I remember seeing a picture of him in front of a swimming pool.
(Jade Sinclair - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I am fifteen years old and a big fan of Dean Martin's. He passed away before I was born, but I had stumbled upon him with the movie called "Rio Bravo". After that I heard the song "That's Amore" being played on the radio and put together that it was one-in-the-same person who acted and sang.
From that point on, I started looking for more Dean Martin movies (there is a slew of them!) and started buying all his cd's. I am now a huge fan.
I know that sounds funny because I am only 15, but when I start talking around adults and people older than me, I seem to have their attention and respect.
It's wonderful to find your website and organization. Thank you so much.
(Robert Mansfield - Texas)
Dear DMFC : There is a new car commercial on TV that has a gentleman dressed in a tux driving to a golf course and swinging his glub on the greens with everyone looking on in awe. The commercial is reminiscent of The Rat Pack (Sinatra / Martin) and they say "Classic is Back". With Dean Martin - classic never left!
(Stu Drakeman - New York)
Dear DMFC : Every June 7th I realize what a treat YouTube is for us DEANagers! This is
also the time when I am becoming sentimental and checking YouTube's work of
his. So far I was very surprised about the shows I found. From my large cd
collection I know a lot of sequences, jokes, songs and dialogues. But watching
the shows (online) – unfortunately I haven't Time Life's latest edition of
his – seems to be like the missing link to this well-known material. And it's
a great pleasure reviving the good old times full of class and style. Imagine
Dean and Frank today in 2013? Difficult, I think they would feel lost. When they
had their summit and Marilyn died, I was born. Anyhow, I miss them (and the good
old times) very much.
(Drahomira Lukacovic - SWITZERLAND)
Dear DMFC : Happy Birthday To You Dean!!!!
(Julie Verbim - South Dakota)
Dear DMFC : In the words of your TV song: "I am 95, going on 96..." All us fans miss you but think about you all the time!
(Mr. Ron Lender - California
Dear DMFC : To the spirit of Mr. Martin - Happy Birthday! We all still remember and love you.
(Jeannete Briscal - Sidney, AUSTRALIA)
Dear DMFC : I know that everyone in heaven is throwing Dean a huge birthday party today.
(Gabby Conrad - Arizona)
Dear DMFC : I think Dean Martin would have been 96 years old today. Wow, I still see him in his tuxedo on his TV show singing and laughing. I wish him a happy birthday.
(Regina Davis - New York)
Dear DMFC : Happy Birthday Dean!
(Karen Abel - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I just spotted a car commericla where a fellow in a tux drives to a golf range and plays a round. It's billed as "style is back" and reminds me of Dean and Frank from those Rat Pack Days.
(Richard Brumstone - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Wow, I just remembered that Dean Martin's birthday is coming up. I think he would have been 96. He was my parents favorite singer and I loved his music, which I still listen to all the time.
(Darren Haywood - South Carolina)
Dear DMFC : What a wonderful issue you just had on Jonathan Winters. Thank you so much for keeping Dean's memory alive for us.
(Kelly Lott - Utah)
Dear DMFC : I grew up watching Dean Martin and also watched his Golddigger girls in their own TV show. I'm glad to see that you report on what many of the Golddiggers are up to today.
(Laura Pomera - Washington State)
Dear DMFC : I'll bet that Dean Martin is in heaven with his TV show entertaining God and that Jonathan Winters has now joined him. God has it good, and if we are good, we will be there one day too.
(Judy Tao - JAPAN)
Dear DMFC : When I think back about Dean's TV variety show, I always have memories of his regulars Dom DeLuise and Jonathan Winters. Jonathan will be truly missed in this world.
(William Miller - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I just heard that Jonathan Winters has passed away. The world lost another great entertainer!
(Leslie Hudson - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : I recently stumbled across a Dean Martin CD and discovered your address in the liner notes. I love your Website and will be joining your fan club right away. I am so thrilled that someone who knew Dean has this club / centre created for him.
(Audrey Lennon - England)
Dear DMFC : I always have sunshine when I hear Dean sing those "April Showers". I know he's looking down on all of us this Easter.
(J. Carmel - California)
Dear DMFC : Thank's to your Fan Center president, Neil Daniels, for helping to make Dean Martin's TV series available on DVD for all us fans. Keep up the good work.
(Emily Marques - Connecticut)
Dear DMFC : This is a wonderful Website for Dean Martin!
(Clare Esham - New York)
Dear DMFC : I remember the first time I saw Dean Martin. It was in Las Vegas when my Dad and Mom took me to see him on stage. I thought that I was going to be the only teenager there (I was 14 at the time), but was shocked to see quite a number of kids around my age.
Ever since that show, I fell in love with Mr. Martin. I would beg my parents to let me stay up and watch his TV show and would buy all of his records. I know the people at the record stores all looked at me because they thought I should be buying Beatle records or something.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I have been a huge fan my entire life, and I now have two kids of my own. I'm making sure they are growing up as Dean Martin fans too!
(John Endora - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : I just joined your Fan Center for Dean and received my first magazine issue with Regis Philbin on the cover. It was watching Regis when he had his morning talk show, that I learned all about your organization and fan center. It is far better than what I had hoped for!
(Carolyn McGuire - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : I was wondering if Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis' production company called "York Productions" had made any real money for the duo. I have read so many things about their movie deal with Hal Wallis and Paramount and knew that they could make one picture a year for their own company. Does anyone know much about "York"?
(Drew Adams - Texas)
Dear DMFC : Thank you so much for keeping us informed about all of Dean Martin's Golddiggers. They were such an important part of his TV show and it's nice to hear what they are doing today.
(Jerry Truscarp - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Your new issue with the article and pictures on Dean and Judy Garland was the best! Keep up the good work!
(Taylor Bartlet - England)
Dear DMFC : I grew up listening to Dino as my father always called him, riding in my Dads car. My
brother and I still love him today. I am 43yrs now and I have Dean Martin on my
ITunes CDs. I feel like he is like a uncle to us growing up listening to his unique
voice. I will have a very close feeling to Dean for the rest of my life. God bless you
Dean Martin.
(Ross - Brisbane, Australia)
Dear DMFC : I have visited Las Vegas several times and am disappointed that there isn't more "Dean Martin" sites to visit. I would think one of the hotels could start a Dean Martin (or even Rat Pack) museum, just to attract people. Maybe the right person will read this and it will happen. Thanks for all you do for Dean!
(Tully Spencer - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Just received my latest Dean Martin magazine with Regis Philbin on the cover. It is an outstanding issue. They just seem to get better and better with each one.
I love reading articles by other Dean Martin fans, so I thought I'd post a plea to other fans to send in your stories and articles. If you are not a member of the Fan Center, you need to join! There is simply NOT another fan organization the quality of this one!
(Tom Holt - Texas)
Dear DMFC : I have received my latest journal and it lists
several celebrities who have passed on in 2012 and it is always a somber
occasion to hear of these events.
One person
who did not make your list was the wonderful Dorothy McGuire of the
McGuire Sisters. They were guests on Dean’s show a number of times and
their appearances always brought an added sparkle and vitality to the
proceedings. Dean really had a wonderful time performing with them and
they were, I think, one of the classiest trios ever to grace our
television screens. They were just wonderful and I would appreciate it
greatly if you could mention Dorothy’s passing in a future issue. She
passed away September 7, 2012 in Scottsdale, AZ. I was always a big
fan of the McGuire Sisters and I think this would be a fitting tribute.
(Robert Lee - Georgia)
Dear DMFC : I would like to say thank you to Mr. Martin for all the laughs and
entertainment men of your ability is not found in Hollywood these days
so thank you! I know its too late yo tell Mr. Martin thank you but at
least maybe his family can hear it.
Dear DMFC : I know this subject comes up every so often, but it would be nice to get the post office to issue a Dean Martin commemorative postage stamp. It's about time!
(Jason Stonage - Arizona)
Dear DMFC : I remember seeing a program on TV a long time ago that featured The Rat Pack on stage and Johnny Carson was also there. Does anyone know what program I mean and if it's available to purchase?
(John Bradley - New York)
Dear DMFC : A clip of Dean Martin can be seen in a new Lincoln Car commercial. He is still cool!
(Mica Sonayta - California)
Dear DMFC : I went to a New Year's Eve concert and party last night
and they had an incredible band playing. The height of the evening was when
they had three singers dressed as The Rat Pack singing all Sinatra-Martin-Davis
hit songs to ring in the New Year! It was a night to remember!!
(Sam Benipaz - Florida)
Dear DMFC : Happy New Year to all my fellow Dean Martin collectors
and fans. Let's hope this year will bring us peace among ourselves!
(Tony Spencer - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : I just wanted to wish all Dean Martin fans a Merry
Christmas. "It's a Marshmallow World" and "Baby It's Cold
Outside" are my favorites!
(Terry Sharplie - Ohio)
Dear DMFC : Dean passed on 13 years ago, Christmas Day. May we
all wish him a Merry Christmas and give thanks to him for all he has given
us. We really miss you Dean!
(Drew Gaynor - New York)
Dear DMFC : Just a little prayer with thoughts of my favorite singer,
Dean Martin. Merry Christmas!
(Catlin Andrews - California)
Dear DMFC : I just wanted to say that I grew up being a huge fan
of Dean Martin's, and that I am so glad to have found your Website from
a professor at college.
(Jerri Bartlett - Idaho)
Dear DMFC : Isn't it funny that Dean's song "Ain't That a
Kick in the Head" is being pushed today as one of his 'hit' songs,
when actually it never was a big seller. It's only become that well known
"after" Dean's death, because it's one that the estate wants to
put into commercials and movies.
(Larry Colbert - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : Hi Neil , and "Deangers" everywhere. I've
recently been playing / watching the DVD set of Dean's uncut TV Shows. They
really are wonderful , and it's so pleasing to ,at long last, have excellent
quality shows to watch on DVD, other than worn out multi-copied VHS tapes
!! I can only sincerely hope that Time Life see it beneficial, to keep releasing
these wonderful shows for all to enjoy, both old and new fans of Dean .
I also have the 1968 Christmas Show on DVD , to watch . But my good wife
, won't let me watch it until Christmas Day !!!! And I thought she loved
me.............. Take care , and all best wishes
(Graham Daniels - South Wales, Great Britain)
Dear DMFC : Every year I have my Christmas cards made at a Target
Store in their photo department. I take them a picture and they make it
look like a Christmas card.
This year I'm taking them a picture of Dean Martin in to have a
Christmas card with my favorite singer on it to send to everybody I know.
I'm wishing everyone a great big Marshmallow World!
(Tony Sharto - New York)
Dear DMFC : I was in a Home Depot yesterday and heard them playing
Christmas songs over the speakers. All of a sudden I heard Dean's voice
TALKING... they had played a Dean Martin song from his TV Show! I didn't
know that they had made a CD of songs and dialogue from his show!!! Is this
something we can buy? Does anyone know?
(Shelly Freeman - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : Many years ago I had been the stage manager at the
MGM Grand in Las Vegas during the years that Dean Martin performed there.
I have many wonderful stories and insights about Mr. Martin that
I'm going to share with you as soon as I can put them down on paper and
get them in the mail for your magazine. I also have a bunh of photographs
that I will try to find to send along.
Those were very wonderful times and Mr. Martin was a wonderful
entertainer and such a gracious person.
(William J. Thorton - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : I'm a brand new Dean Martin fan after recently discovering
his music from a collection of records by uncle has left.
After I played a couple of his albums, I did a Google search and
couldn't believe that he was not only a singer, but a huge movie and TV
As you can guess, I'm only in my twenties, so that's mainly the
reason I didn't know much about Dean Martin before. I just started finding
a couple of his movies. I am also thrilled to have found you guys too!
Wow, I guess it proves that there are pleasant surprises in life
along the way.
(Justin Hallock - Arizona)
Dear DMFC : I had three kids show up on Halloween dressed
as Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis and Dean Martin. When I opened the door, they
all sang "My Way". They were so cute and so good that the other
kids behind them stopped and listened and gave them a big round
of applause. I wish I had taken their picture to send to you.
I say - start them young - play for them the music of that
era, when music was MUSIC. They really made this Halloween memorable for
us, one that will always stay in out thoughts every year.
(Kathy Rhodes - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : YouTube has posted the lecture that Regis Philbin gave
at The Reagan Library. It's located at this link:
In the first few minutes, Regis is shown sitting with his wife
Joy and next to her is DMFC President, Neil Daniels.
Regis talks about his idol Bing Crosby, but as all of us Dean Martin
fans know, Bing was also Dean's idol. Regis also considers Dean Martin one
of his idols also as written in his book "How I Got This Way".
(James McNamara)
Dear DMFC : In answer to Eric with his question about the best
Dean Martin impersonators, I have seen a few, but the two that I can recall
being pretty good are a fellow by the name of Joe
Scallisi and a gentleman named Drew Anthony.
I have to admit, there are also many impersonators that are simple
awful, but I don't want to mention any names.
(Gary Mirada - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : We met you (Neil Daniels) the other night at the
Ronald Reagan Library for the Regis Philbin book signing and lecture. Thank
you for such an interesting conversation, and thank you for letting us know
about your Website and organization.
It was a fun evening and we were thrilled to meet Regis and have
him autograph a book for us. He devoted a whole chapter to Dean Martin in
his new book. Dean was such an extraordinary entertainer and we miss him
(Dr. Matthew Douglas - California)
Dear DMFC : My wife and I were too young to see the movie "Airport"
when it first came out, but we rented the DVD and saw it last night. All
I can say is W-O-W! The huge cast of players and the intense story was not
what we expected! This was a mega-movie that they should re-release today,
like they did with "Titanic".
Seeing Dean Martin sing on his TV show, we never fully realized
what a good actor he was also.
(Phil and Cindy Bethel - Wisconsin)
Dear DMFC : I grew up in a family hearing my parents always playing
Dean Martin songs. How did Dean learn to sing? Was he self taught or did
he have any music teachers or coaches? Maybe someone knows the answer.
(Kelly Linden - CANADA)
Dear DMFC : I was wondering if anyone out there could give me some
insight as to who are some of the best Dean Martin impersonators out there
and which "Rat Pack" type shows playing around are worth while
seeing. I see so many different ones in so many different cities... Las
Vegas, Los Angeles, New York...
(Eric Miratan - California)
Dear DMFC : I have been a huge Dean Martin fan my entire life.
It was just today that I learned about your Website and organization on
the radio. Coming to your Website is a thrill beyond belief! Wow! I also
see that you have a fan club that one can join and get your Dean Martin
magazines, so I will be joining as soon as I finish typing this message
to you. Thank you so much - you made my day... my year!!!!!!!
(Julie Hart - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if there are any places (museums,
statues, etc.) in Las Vegas to visit that are in memory of Dean Martin?
My family and I are planning a trip in a few weeks, and all I can find information
about is a 2-block street named after him and of course, a Rat Pack show
with impersonators.
There has to be more - doesn't there?
(Andrew Holmes - Maine)
Dear DMFC : I have purchased the new Dean Martin Show releases
from Time-Life, and was wondering if they plan on issuing any more. The
last one I got was called "Dean Martin Uncut". I also wanted to
know if there will be any more interviews with people who worked on his
show, like they did included in their first DVD release.
I love the interviews because they give an insight as to Dean,
his show, and also the performer him-herself.
(Karen Johnson - Colorado)
Dear DMFC : Another new season on NBC and no mention of the Dean
Martin Show being renewed on Thursday night.
I have been out of the country for a while and couldn't wait to
return to see my favorite singer!
(Jeremy Collins - North Carolina)
Dear DMFC : I'm hoping there will be a special edition DVD released
in the "uncut" series. And that's of the 1983 recording
from London's Apollo Victoria Theatre.
The version readily available at the moment , and originally aired
on the Showtime network, is drastically cut and edited. Lots of good
material is lost from the original concert of the evening, and items have
been spliced in too. A couple of songs , and some of Dean's chat with the
audience have been lost. The jokes about Ghandi and the Royal family weren't
part of the original show. Neither was Dean's "Bad Bad Leroy Brown".
These were recorded behind closed doors after the concert had finished.
We know this because we were stood outside watching the screen in the TV/recording
truck, and were privilaged to watch Dean being prompted , and record the
items. That is until we were ushered away , and the doors shut on us !!
So although it is brilliant that the Showtime version has finally
been released officially, and the quality is fantastic..........please try
and get the original uncut version released.
In the meantime thanks for all you've done , and continue to do.
With best regards
(Graham Daniels - South Wales - Great Britain)
Dear DMFC : Another passing - I just heard that commedian Phyliss
Diller had died. You guys just recently had an article with her in your
Dean Martin Fan Center magazine. It's sad to see that a lot of the people
from Dean's era are leaving. It's a time that will never be repeated and
the generation today will never know how great it was. Thanks for all you
(Andre Mirada - California)
Dear DMFC : I wanted to tell other Dean fans a quick story about
my Mom and Dean Martin. My Mom and I were visiting Beverly Hills with my
12-year-old cousin way back in the early 1970's. We made reservations at
a small restaurant and after sightseeing and spending the day window shopping
on Rodeo Drive, all of us got to the restaurant early to end a great day.
We all ordered, and right before the food came, we spotted Dean
Martin and a friend of his walk through the door and take a table not too
far from ours.
Needless to say, we all stared at Dean. He was bigger than life.
His dark black hair and tan just mesmerized us to no avail.
He caught us several times staring his way, and returned the glance
back with a smile. My cousin and I were in heaven.
Well, after we finished, the waiter brought us our check, and my
Mother went to pay for it when she realized that she didn't have her wallet
or any money. She was stunned. Not knowing what to do, we all sat there
worried that the place would call the police and we would all be sent to jail.
Just as I was about to swell up and start to cry, I felt
a hand on the back of my shoulder. I looked at my Mother and cousin, and
they were staring at who was behind me - they were FROZEN!
As I turned around, I was shocked to see that it was Dean Martin.
He had somehow overheard our conversation, and knew the dilemma we were
in. Like a knight in shinning Armour, he looked at me and said (which I'll
never forget)...
"Dinner is on me, ladies. I hope you enjoyed your visit, and
when you can, you should come back and try the Rigatoni!".
Well, we were all speechless. My Mom said "Thank you very
much... is there someplace we can send you the money?" feeling caught
between excited and being embarrassed.
Mr. Martin just said, "Don't even think about it. I have told
the waiter to also bring you dessert. Now, you all have a good time."
Before we could even say "Thank you", Dean and his friend
were out the door as we sat there in astonishment.
A moment that I will never forget. My Mom has told that story a
million times, and from that point on, she never missed a single episode
of Dean's television show or any of his movies!
Today, when my family gets together and we go out to eat, we often
do the same thing and pay for another un-suspecting family's meal. It not
only reminds us of the kind act that Mr. Martin did for us when we were
little, but it also makes us feel good inside to do something nice and "give-back".
(Julie Moreno - Washington)
Dear DMFC : How come no one ever taped Dean's Las Vegas act at
either the MGM or Bally's? Wouldn't anyone have thought that it would have
been a great piece of history to have at least taped it even if they didn't
want to sell it at the time?
(Douglas Kearny - New Jersey)
Dear DMFC : Your latest issue with Elke Sommer is fantastic. Keep
up the good work. I especially love reading the issues with people who worked
with (or knew) Dean, and I love the issues that focus on his movies.
(L.S. Tramm - New York)
Dear DMFC : I love the new CD of Dean at Lake Tahoe performing
live. I was there at the time and it brings back so many memories!
(Art Franco - Nevada)
Dear DMFC : Dean Martin Uncut is the best DVD set from Dean's TV
show so far. Keep them coming!
(Debbie Radcliff - Iowa)
Dear DMFC : I am a huge Elke Sommer fan and your new issue just arrived.
Your article is so informative and she looks great today! Thanks for such
an excellent publication. Dean would be proud.
(Gary Gorman - Washington)
Dear DMFC : Does anyone know if Dean Martin is related to either
Dick Martin of Laugh-in or Perry Como? I heard rumors of both over the years.
(Cassie Reynolds - Wyoming)
Dear DMFC : The latest Dean Martin magazine arrived today with
the Elke Sommer article and interview. This is the best issue yet. They
keep on getting better. You guys are great!!!!
(Ted T. Richmond - Texas)
Dear DMFC : The new Dean Martin release called "Collected
Cool" is really a treat. I LOVE the DVD of Dean's concert in England
at The Apollo Theatre - I had not seen this before. The CD of his Lake Tahoe
show is also a real treat too. I would recommend this set to any Dean Martin
fan out there!
(Jill Crosley - ENGLAND)
Dear DMFC : I just received my new issue of the Fan Center magazine,
and this is the best one yet! Keep up the great work!
(Cher Bradley - Nevada)